a review by Kevin Wilson
Date: May 6th, 2015
Location: Yokohama Radiant Hall in Kanagawa, Japan
Announced Attendance: Unknown
It has been a long time since I reviewed a FREEDOMS event, which was intentional, but maybe things are better so I dive back in to see what they are up to. This is a big event for them as the tag team championships are being defended and Sasaki wrestles in a Bring Your Own Weapons match in the main event. Here is the full card:
- Amigo Suzuki vs. Dyna Mido
- 5th Generation Black Tiger and Keizo Matsuda vs. Yuya Susumu and Buffalo
- KING of FREEDOMS Tag Championship: Mammoth Sasaki and Kamui vs. Kurumi and The Winger
- Shinjiro Otani vs. Toru Sugiura
- GENTARO, Kenichiro Arai, and Great Kojika vs. Masashi Takeda, Jun Kasai, and Kenji Fukimoto
- Bring Your Own Weapons Death Match: Dasiuke Masaoka vs. Takashi Sasaki
Here we go!
Amigo Suzuki vs. Dyna Mido
They trade waistlocks to start, then wristlocks as they feel each other out. Irish whip by Suzuki but he can’t knock Mido over. He tries again with the same result, and Mido hits a big elbow. Suzuki rolls out of the ring but gets back in when Mido goes out after him. Suzuki kicks the ropes as Mido returns to the ring and he rakes his eyes. Irish whip by Suzuki and he hits an elbow. Suzuki applies a reverse chinlock and rakes Mido’s eyes again before going back to the chinlock. Suzuki applies a camel clutch but Mido gets to the ropes. Irish whip by Suzuki but Mido kicks him back when he charges in. Lariat by Mido and he hits a running elbow in the corner. Snap suplex by Mido, he goes up top and he hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Northern Lights Suplex by Mido but Suzuki gets a shoulder up. Mido charges Suzuki but Suzuki moves and catapults him into the bottom rope. Scoop slam by Suzuki, he goes up top but Mido recovers and throws him off. Mido hits an indy-version of the Rainmaker but it gets a two count. Scoop slam by Mido, he goes up top but Suzuki avoids the diving headbutt. Rolling verticals by Suzuki, he goes up top and he nails the diving headbutt for the three count. As far as openers go I’ve seen worse, although neither showed a lot of potential for upward mobility. But they were keeping it simple so I may be proven wrong down the road. Not offensive but not exciting either.
5th Generation Black Tiger and Keizo Matsuda vs. Yuya Susumu and Buffalo
Matsuda and Susumu start off and they trade elbows and Matsuda hits a shoulderblock. Susumu dropkicks Matsuda from behind and he kicks Matsuda out of the ring. Buffalo goes outside too and Matsuda is thrown around the ring, Matsuda is put on the apron and Susumu kicks him in the chest. Back in the ring Buffalo clubs Matsuda in the back, Irish whip by Buffalo and he hits a running back elbow. Buffalo picks up Matsuda and he hits a suplex. Leg drop by Buffalo and he tags in Susumu, and Susumu applies a short armbar. Matsuda bites Susumu in the head and he tags in Black Tiger. Black Tiger chops at Susumu and he knuckles him in the face. Black Tiger applies a seated armbar and he tags in Matsuda and Matsuda applies a nerve hold. Susumu gets to the ropes and he trades elbows with Matsuda, kicks by Susumu but Matsuda headbutts him in the groin. Matsuda tags in Black Tiger and Black Tiger kicks Susumu in the corner. Black Tiger sets up Susumu in the corner and he kicks him in the groin. Matsuda comes in and he kicks Susumu in the groin too, he covers him but Buffalo breaks it up. Susumu goes off the ropes but Matsuda elbows him for a two count. Enzigieri by Susumu and Susumu tags in Buffalo. Buffalo hits a missile dropkick to Matsuda, Black Tiger comes in but Buffalo suplexes him. Lariat by Buffalo to Matsuda and he hits a leg drop followed by a dropkick on the apron. Buffalo picks up Matsuda and they lariat each other until Buffalo hits a backdrop suplex. Matsuda gets back up and both wrestlers lariat each other, with both ending up on the mat. Black Tiger and Susumu are tagged in, kicks by Susumu and he knees Black Tiger in the chest for a two count. Susumu tags in Buffalo, Buffalo goes off the ropes but he hits Susumu by accident. Black Tiger hits the tombstone piledriver on Buffalo, he goes up top and he hits a falling elbow drop for two. Black Tiger tags in Matsuda and Buffalo is hit with a double suplex for a two count. Brainbuster by Matsuda but Matsuda ducks the lariat, Susumu runs in and kicks Matsuda in the face and Buffalo rolls him up for a three count! This was watchable, which is a compliment for a FREEDOMS undercard match. Buffalo is good, like the guy, and aside from a few submission that slowed down the match it kept at a good pace. Perfectly average.
(c) Mammoth Sasaki and Kamui vs. Kurumi and The Winger
This match is for the KING of FREEDOMS Tag Championship. Sasaki and Kurumi start off and they trade elbows and they trade shoulderblock attempts. Kurumi tags in Winger, Winger shoulderblocks Sasaki in the corner but Sasaki turns the tables and tags in Kamui. Kamui elbows Winger into the corner, snapmare, and he applies a chinlock. Winger gets into the ropes and he hits a scoop slam. Winger tags in Kurumi and Kurumi chops Kamui in the chest. Body press by Kurumi and she gets a two count. Kurumi tags in Winger and Winger covers Kamui for two. Irish whip by Kamui and he delivers a dropkick. Kamui tags in Sasaki, then he throws Winger out of the ring. Winger is tossed around the floor and Kamui hits him with a chair. Sasaki and Winger return to the ring, chops by Sasaki and he applies a chinlock. Sasaki picks up Winger and he tags in Kamui. Arabian Press by Kamui, but Winger kicks out. Kamui snapmares Winger and he kicks him in the back. Kamui chops Winger into the corner, Irish whip, but Winger kicks him back. Side Russian leg sweep by Winger and he tags in Kurumi. Kurumi shoulderblocks Kamui, Sasaki comes in but Kurumi shoulderblocks him also. Irish whip by Kurumi and she hits a body avalanche to Kamui. Cannonball by Kurumi and she hits a somersault senton for a two count.
Kurumi picks up Kamui, scoop slam, she goes up top and she hits a diving body press for a two count. Kurumi tags in Winger but Kamui dropkicks him and tags in Sasaki. Sasaki grabs Winger but Winger hits an armdrag, Winger goes off the ropes but Sasaki hits a chokebomb. Winger goes for a backslide but Sasaki blocks it and hits a lariat. Sasaki picks up Winger but Winger hits an inside cradle. Big lariat by Sasaki, cover, but Winger gets a shoulder up. Sasaki brings some chairs in the ring, he puts one around Winger’s neck and then both he and Kamui hit him in the head with another chair. Kamui covers Winger but he kicks out. Kamui picks up Winger and hits a slam but Kurumi breaks up the pin. Kamui goes up top and he hits a missile dropkick, but Kurumi breaks up the pin again. Kurumi suplexes Kamui but Sasaki grabs her and hits a brainbuster. Sasaki chokeslams Winger, then Kamui hits a Pele Kick. Kamui goes up top, he nails the Swanton Bomb and he picks up the three count! Sasaki and Kamui are still your champions. This was really good, I have no idea why the title match was the third match on the card. All four of them had their working boots on and all four got a chance to shine a bit before Winger took a brutal string of moves to be defeated. But it made the titles feel important that Winger wasn’t pinned with a roll-up or something, and even though it was short-ish for a title match I enjoyed it. Recommended
Shinjiro Otani vs. Toru Sugiura
Sugiura charges Otani and elbows him in the corner but Otani elbows him back and they trade shots. Otani pushes Sugiura into the ropes but Sugiura dropkicks him. Otani falls out of the ring and Sugiura sails out onto him with a tope con hilo. Back in the ring Sugiura stomps on Otani and he covers him for two. Elbows by Sugiura and Otani knees him in the midsection. Chops by Otani and Sugiura chops him back, Otani gets Sugiura to the mat and Otani rakes his face. Sugiura gets to the ropes but Otani applies a single leg crab hold. Sugiura gets to the ropes, stomp by Otani but Sugiura bites his leg. Elbows by Sugiura but Otani throws Sugiura into the corner. They bite each other’s fingers and Otani boots Sugiura in the corner. Facewashes by Otani but Sugiura catches the boot attempt and elbows Otani into the other corner. Irish whip by Sugiura but Otani boots him back a few times. Otani picks up Sugiura but Sugiura hits a vertical suplex for two. Sugiura goes off the ropes and dropkicks Otani, but again his cover gets a two count. Sugiura picks up Otani and they trade elbows and Otani hits a backdrop suplex for a two count. Single leg crab hold by Otani but Sugiura gets to the ropes. Otani picks up Sugiura and headbutts him, he goes up top, Sugiura joins him but Otani headbutts him off. Sugiura goes back up again with the same result, he tries again but Otani slaps him off and they go back to the same spot again. Sugiura finally hits a superplex, getting a two count. Missile dropkick by Sugiura and they trade elbows back up, and Sugiura hits a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Sugiura goes off the ropes but Otani hits a heel kick. Otani goes up top and he hits a missile dropkick to the back. Single leg crab hold by Otani but Sugiura gets to the ropes. Otani applies a camel clutch but Sugiura gets out of it and they trade elbows again. Release German suplex by Otani but Sugiura kicks out. Back to the crab hold by Otani but Sugiura gets to the ropes. Otani hits a release dragon suplex, and he finally gets the three count. Otani is obsessed apparently with having really long boring matches with people much lower than him on the totem pole. Just not interesting at all, even Otani fans shouldn’t bother with this one.
GENTARO, Kenichiro Arai, and Great Kojika vs. Masashi Takeda, Jun Kasai, and Kenji Fukimoto
Takeda and company attack before the match starts and the action spills out to the floor. They battle around the ring as the referee is apparently counting the entire time, Kojika never left the ring so the other team is counted out! GENTARO, Arai, and Kojika are your winners!
Well that is silly so they re-start the match. Takeda and Kasai stomp on Kojika, Takeda keeps up the assault on the old man and it’s awful. Fukimoto is tagged in and he picks up where Takeda left off as they all take turns attacking Kojika. Arai comes in with a chair to help but he hits Kojika by accident. Arai tells Kojika that it was Takeda that hit him, which fires up Kojika until Arai accidentally hits him again. Kojika gets a chair as Takeda also has one and they do a chair duel, until Kasai attacks him from behind. Kojika finally gets away from Kasai and he tags in Arai. Arai hits all three of his opponents, he scoop slams Kasai and hits him with various loot. Arai puts a bag over Kasai’s head but Kasai gets away and tags in Takeda. Takeda knees Arai in the corner and covers him for two. Takeda kicks Arai but Arai hits an atomic drop. Arai tags in GENTARO, GENTARO headbutts Takeda but Takeda hits a suplex for a two count. GENTARO applies a submission hold but Kasai breaks it up. GENTARO tags in Kojika, Kojika knees Takeda but Takeda knees him. Takeda tags in Fukimoto, Fukimoto grabs Kojika but Arai and GENTARO come in to break it up. They hit a double flapjack on Fukimoto and Kojika rolls him up for two. Things break down a bit as GENTARO is triple teamed, Kasai goes up top and he hits the Pearl Harbor Splash. Fukimoto goes off the ropes but Arai hits him with a chair from the floor. GENTARO hits a reverse STO on Fukimoto, he puts a chair on the mat and GENTARO slams him onto it. GENTARO goes up top but Fukimoto moves when he dives off. Fukimoto piles up some chairs, he picks up GENTARO and hits a package piledriver onto the chairs, picking up the three count! This started slow as it had too much Kojika, and while it did pick up it didn’t pick up fast enough to make it good. I hate to complain about seeing Kojika every time but is it my imagination or does he wrestle a whole lot? This one had some good wrestlers but it just wasn’t put together in an entertaining way.
Dasiuke Masaoka vs. Takashi Sasaki
This match is a Bring Your Own Weapons Match. And lots of lighttubes. They trade wristlocks to start and Sasaki hits a shoulderblock, wristlocks by both and Masaoka hits Sasaki with a lighttube. Masaoka hits Sasaki with a chair out on the floor before they return, Masaoka picks up Sasaki and he hits a scoop slam. Senton by Masaoka out of the corner but Sasaki throws him into the lighttubes. Sasaki hits a scoop slam, he puts a few tubes on the mat and he scoop slams Masaoka onto the tubes. Sasaki puts some tubes against Masaoka and he kicks them into his back. Sasaki chops Masaoka and they trade blows, snapmare by Sasaki and he puts some tubes down Masaoka’s shirt before kicking him. Sasaki throws Masaoka into the corner and he hits an elbow strike. Sasaki kicks more tubes into Masaoka’s chest, he gets a bigger tube but Masaoka avoids it and dropkicks the tube into Sasaki. Scoop slam by Masaoka, he goes up top but he flips off when Sasaki charges in. Elbows by Masaoka but Sasaki applies a sleeper. Masaoka hits a backdrop suplex to get out of the hold and he covers Sasaki for two. Masaoka grabs a ladder and he puts it down on the mat, he tries to slam Sasaki onto it but he blocks it. Sasaki gets Masaoka up and he powerbombs him onto the ladder (which also has tubes on it). Sasaki puts Masaoka on the top turnbuckle and hits him with lighttubes, he joins him and he hits a superplex (but misses the lighttubes). Sasaki throws some tubes at Masaoka, kick by Sasaki but Masaoka kicks him back. Masaoka knocks Sasaki out of the ring, he goes on the apron and he hits an Asai Moonsault down to the floor.
Masaoka slides Sasaki back in and tries to pick him up but Sasaki knees him away. Masaoka finally gets Sasaki up and hits a Schwein for a two count cover. Masaoka smashes some tubes on the mat, he picks up Sasaki and scoop slams him into the broken shards. Masaoka goes up top and he hits a diving body press for a two count. Masaoka goes off the ropes and hits a swinging leg kick, getting a two count. Masaoka puts a bundle of tubes against Sasaki but Sasaki ducks the kick. Superkicks by Masaoka, he goes up top but Sasaki avoids the moonsault. Sasaki kicks the tubes into Masaoka and they trade elbows until Sasaki hits a vertical suplex. Powerbomb by Sasaki but Masaoka kicks out. Sasaki picks up Masaoka and he hits a powerslam, he puts some tubes up against Masaoka and kicks them into him for another two. Sasaki gets another bundle and puts it against Masaoka but Masaoka ducks the kick and rolls up Sasaki for two. Another cover by Masaoka with no luck, and back up Sasaki hits a Thunder Fire Driver. Sasaki puts another bundle up against Masaoka and he delivers the Right Leg Kick for the three count! They didn’t bring any weapons so I dunno what that was about. I’m not a big fan of lighttube matches as I am pretty clear about, I just think it is repetitive. It’s a limiting gimmick, it is hard to be creative with them and they didn’t really try. Action-wise it was fine but the lighttubes dragged it down a bit. But if you like lighttube matches you’ll probably like it. Mildly Recommended
Final Thoughts:
As far as indies go this wasn’t a bad event. The tag title match was actually quite good, I wish it was longer and maybe had a more prominent role on the card. Any time a small show like this one has a good match or two I am happy as a pig in mud. That doesn’t mean I can recommend it as a full show, not with Great Kojika and Otani stinking up the joint, but it certainly had some watchable stuff on it.
Grade: D+
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event reviewed on 5/12/15