A Review by Kevin Wilson
Date: December 28th, 2014
Location: Tokyo Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan
Announced Attendance: 1,200
Even though JWP has had many events in 2014, this is the first event I have been able to track down for the year. I am sure more will pop up later, or I will just have to hunt around a little bit harder to find them, one or the other. JWP has a small army of their own wrestlers but as you can see here they also use a lot of ‘outside talent’ as well. This was a big card for them as we have three title matches and other ‘big’ singles matches to help end the year in style. Here is the full card:
- Yako Fujigasaki vs. Yua Hayashi
- JWP Jr. Championship and POP Championship: Rabbit Miu vs. Eri
- Jaguar Yokota, KAZUKI, and Raideen Hagane vs. Manami Toyota, Tsukushi, and Neko Nitta
- KAORU vs. Kayoko Haruyama
- Hanako Nakamori vs. Kana
- JWP Tag Team Championship and Daily Sports Tag Team Championship: Command Bolshoi and Kyoko Kimura vs. Leon and Ray
- JWP Openweight Championship: Arisa Nakajima vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto
I’m not sure I have seen all these ladies before, so it will be interesting to see how this event turns out.
Yako Fujigasaki vs. Yua Hayashi
They circle to start before going straight to trading elbows, they trade elbows near the ropes and Hayashi gets Fujigasaki into the corner. Irish whip by Hayashi and she connects with a heel kick, she goes for a kick but Fujigasaki catches it. Hayashi kicks her in the chest anyway, then hits a second kick and a third. Hayashi goes off the ropes and delivers another kick, cover, but it gets a two count. Armbar by Hayashi and she kicks Fujigasaki in the back. Irish whip by Hayashi but Fujigasaki hits a dropkick. Another dropkick by Fujigasaki and she hits a third dropkick. Cover, but it gets a two count. Fujigasaki picks up Hayashi and goes for a slam but Hayashi lands on top of her for a two count. Takedown by Hayashi and she applies a cross armbreaker but Fujigasaki gets a foot on the bottom rope. Kicks to the side by Hayashi, she goes off the ropes but Fujigasaki connects with a dropkick. Cover, but it gets a two count. Fujigasaki picks up Hayashi but Hayashi gets away, backslide by Hayashi but it gets two. School boy by Hayashi, but it gets a two count as well. Hayashi picks up Fujigasaki but Fujigasaki slaps her and puts her in a wing clutch hold for a two count. Dropkick by Fujigasaki, cover, but it gets a two count. Fujigasaki picks up Hayashi and delivers a Double-Wrist Armsault, and she picks up the three count. Your winner: Yako Fujigasaki
Match Thoughts: The results I found called it a “double-wrist armsault,” I’d have just called it a wrist-clutch northern lights suplex. But no one asked me. This was really basic and not good, I mean first one wrestler hit the same move four straight times, then the other hit the same move three straight times, not really thinking outside of the box here. I don’t know much about either of these two and maybe this is all they are capable of, but a really short and not overly entertaining opener. Score: 3.0
(c) Rabbit Miu vs. Eri
This match is for the JWP Jr. Championship and POP Championship. Eri and Miu lock knuckles, Eri pushes Miu down but Miu comes back and throws Eri to the mat. Wristlock by Miu, reversed by Eri, Miu rolls out of it and hits a series of knees. Irish whip by Miu and she delivers a dropkick. Cover, but it gets a one count. Scoop slam by Miu and Miu applies a crab hold. Miu picks up Eri and throws her into the corner before throwing her down by her hair. Eri throws Miu to the mat by her hair and chokes her in the corner. Eri picks up Miu and Eri hits a scoop slam. Another scoop slam by Eri, cover, but it gets a two count. Eri applies a cross armbreaker but Miu throws Eri to the mat. Miu chokes Eri against the ropes, Irish whip by Miu but Eri hits an elbow smash. Irish whip by Eri and she dropkicks Miu into the corner. Irish whip by Eri, reversed, and Miu hits a jumping elbow. Kick to the stomach by Eri and she hits a DDT, but Miu gets up and hits her own DDT. Another DDT by Eri but Miu hits another one as well. Elevated DDT by Eri, she goes off the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Cover, but it gets a two count. Eri charges Miu but Miu pulls down the top rope, sending Eri to the apron. Miu then gets a running start and dropkicks Eri out of the ring. Miu goes out to the apron and hits a dropkick off the apron to the floor. Miu slides Eri back into the ring, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick. Cover, but it gets a two count. Miu applies a choke before pulling back on Eri’s hair. Eri gets to the ropes to force a break, Miu goes off the ropes and hits a running knee. Brainbuster by Miu, cover, but it gets two. Miu picks up Eri, waistlock by Miu, Eri elbows her off and hits a DDT. Eri picks up Miu but Miu ducks the lariat and hits a release German suplex. Miu goes up to the top turnbuckle but Eri dropkicks her, sending Miu crashing to the floor. Eri goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving crossbody down to the floor. Eri picks up Miu and slides her into the ring, Eri goes off the ropes and hits a dropkick. A second dropkick by Eri and she hits a third. Cover by Eri, cover, but it only gets a two count. Eri picks up Miu and hits a hard elbow but Miu elbows her back and they trade blows. Eri and Miu trade lariats, until Eri punches Miu in the face. Cover by Eri, but Miu gets a shoulder up. Eri picks up Miu and hits a suplex, Eri goes up to the top turnbuckle but Miu recovers and joins her up top. Superplex by Miu, she goes off the ropes and hits a running cannonball for a two count. Miu picks up Eri and applies a waistlock, roll-up by Eri but it gets a two count. Eri picks up Miu and she punches Miu in the head, cover, but it gets two. Eri picks up Miu, backfist by Eri and she hits a few elbows. Big boot by Miu, cover, but it gets a two count. Waistlock by Miu and she hits a German suplex hold for a two count. Miu picks up Eri and she hits the Rabbit Suplex Hold for a three count. Your winner and still champion: Rabbit Miu
Match Thoughts: This was a pretty good match and it had some cute spots. Lots of DDTs, but I guess if you have to spam a move it may as well be one that you can hit from a lot of different angles. I’m not sure if I had seen Eri before but she shows promise, she is still quite young. It was in the right spot on the card, even though it was a title match they both are still young and figuring out how to structure matches. Considering their age this was solid, and they really did go all out to put on an entertaining match. Score: 6.0
Jaguar Yokota, KAZUKI, and Raideen Hagane vs. Manami Toyota, Tsukushi, and Neko Nitta
Hagane and Nitta start things off. Waistlock by Nitta, reversed by Hagane but Nitta elbows out of it. Hagane grabs Nitta by the tail and hits it with her elbow. She then hands the tail to Yokota, and Yokota bites it. KAZUKI then yanks the tail over the top rope, Hagane grabs her and throws Nitta down by the tail. Yokota comes in and hits an elbow on Nitta in the corner, as does KAZUKI. Hagane and KAZUKI apply wristlocks to Nitta, Yokota then comes in the ring and they post on Nitta. Toyota and Tsukushi come in and break it up, Irish whip by Hagane to Nitta but Nitta hits a springboard armdrag. Nitta tags in Tsukushi while Hagane tags in Yokota, and Tsukushi dropkicks Yokota. Irish whip by Tsukushi but Yokota avoids the dropkick, Yokota goes off the ropes but Tsukushi dropkicks her. Tsukushi goes off the ropes but Yokota hits a lariat followed by a delayed scoop slam. Cover, but it gets a two count. Tsukushi clubs Yokota in the chest but Yokota elbows her back and they trade strikes. Elbows by Tsukushi but Yokota elbows her hard to the mat and tags in KAZUKI. Drop toehold by Tsukushi to KAZUKI and she knocks Hagane and Yokota off the apron. Toyota and Nitta come in the ring and everyone runs over KAZUKI’s back, Tsukushi ties up Hagane in the ropes and Nitta hits a dropkick. Toyota then hits a dropkick as well, with Tsukushi ending with one. Crossbody by Tsukushi, cover, but it gets a two count. Tsukushi goes off the ropes but KAZUKI knees her in the midsection. Double knee drop by KAZUKI, cover, but it gets a two count. KAZUKI tags in Hagane, Hagane picks up Tsukushi but Tsukushi blocks the slam. Irish whip by Tsukushi, reversed, but Hagane knocks Tsukushi to the mat. Hagane picks up Tsukushi in a press slam and drops her to the mat. Cover by Hagane, but it gets a two count. Hagane picks up Tsukushi but Tsukushi gets away, roll-up by Tsukushi but it gets a two count. Tsukushi goes up to the top turnbuckle but Hagane recovers and joins her up top. Tsukushi gets on Hagane’s back and applies a stretch hold while they are still on the top turnbuckle. Tsukushi tries to pull Hagane off the turnbuckle and finally slams her to the mat with Nitta’s help. Scoop slam by Tsukushi, cover, but it gets a two count. Tsukushi tags in Toyota, and Toyota comes off the top with a missile dropkick.
Toyota picks up Hagane, Irish whip, but Hagane can’t shoulderblock Toyota down. She tries again with no luck, and Toyota hits a big boot. Scissors kick by Toyota, cover, but it is broken up. Toyota picks up Hagane but KAZUKI kicks her from behind. Double Irish whip to Toyota but Toyota ducks the lariat and Tsukushi comes off the top turnbuckle with a crossbody. Hagane and KAZUKI catch her, but Toyota pushes them to the mat. Toyota picks up Hagane, Irish whip, but Hagane hits a lariat. Cover, but it gets a two count. Hagane tags in Yokota, Yokota charges Toyota but Toyota hits a snapmare. Yokota returns the favor and applies the Octopus Hold, Irish whip by Yokota to the corner, reversed, but Yokota hits a hurricanrana when Toyota charges in. Cover, but it gets a two count. Irish whip by Yokota, reversed, and Toyota hits the Oklahoma Roll. Waistlock by Yokota but Toyota reverses it and hits a German suplex. Toyota tags in Nitta, Nitta goes up top but Yokota punches her and joins her. Superplex by Yokota, cover, but it gets a two count. Yokota picks up Nitta but Nitta dropkicks her in the knee. Nitta hits Yokota with her tail, she goes off the ropes and performs a victory roll for a two count. Irish whip by Nitta, reversed, and Yokota hits a backdrop suplex. Yokota picks up Nitta and hits a fisherman suplex, and she tags in KAZUKI. Hagane comes in too and Hagane hits a moonsault off the top turnbuckle. KAZUKI then comes off the top with a diving double kneedrop, cover, but Toyota breaks it up. KAZUKI goes off the ropes but Tsukushi cuts her off with a dropkick. Nitta slaps Hagane, Tsukushi comes in the ring, double Irish whip to Hagane but Hagane hits a double lariat. KAZUKI picks up Nitta and hits a K-Crusher, cover, but Nitta gets a shoulder up. KAZUKI picks up Nitta and puts her onto her shoulders, but Nitta slides away. Nitta hits a sidewalk slam to KAZUKI, then Tsukushi comes off the top turnbuckle with an assisted senton. Nitta goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a corkscrew senton, cover, but it is broken up. La Magistral by Nitta, but again it is broken up. Nitta goes off the ropes but KAZUKI gets her onto her shoulders. Nitta slides off her back and she rolls up KAZUKI for a two count. KAZUKI hits a jawbreaker on Nitta, she gets her onto her shoulders and hits the Death by Roderick. Cover, and she picks up the three count. Your winners: Jaguar Yokota, KAZUKI, and Raideen Hagane
Match Thoughts: I gotta admit, they didn’t have to ‘bring it’ but they did, to the best of their ability anyway. For an undercard match with some legends I thought they would just be coasting, until they started hitting moonsaults and diving kneedrops and everything else. I don’t want to overpraise it as there wasn’t much structure and it wasn’t very long, but for what they did it was quite entertaining. I guess I would consider this a pleasant undercard surprise, when you go in expecting nothing and they hold your attention throughout the match. Good effort by these ladies. Score: 6.5
KAORU vs. Kayoko Haruyama
KAORU and Haruyama tie-up to start but they break cleanly. Tie-up again but again they break. KAORU stomps Haruyama on the foot, Irish whip to the corner, reversed, but Haruyama stops charging when KAORU gets her foot up. Lariats in the corner by Haruyama once she puts her foot down, Haruyama goes off the ropes and she hits a lariat. Cover, but it gets a two count. KAORU gets a board and tries to hit Haruyama with it, but Haruyama ducks. KAORU finally pops Haruyama with it and hits hers again, KAORU picks up Haruyama but Haruyama hits a DDT. Haruyama kicks KAORU in the face and connects with another high kick, she goes off the ropes but KAORU hits her with the board. Cover, but the referee doesn’t count due to the shenanigans. KAORU throws Haruyama out of the ring and goes out after her, and KAORU throws Haruyama into the ringpost. KAORU throws Haruyama into a bunch of chairs, she slides her back into the ring but Haruyama snaps off a German suplex. Underhook facebuster by Haruyama, she picks up KAORU and she hits a second one. Haruyama picks up KAORU and she hits a third one, German suplex hold by Haruyama but it gets a two count. Back kick by Haruyama, she picks up KAORU and hits a scoop slam. Haruyama goes up to the top turnbuckle but KAORU rolls out of the way of the leg drop and kicks Haruyama in the face. KAORU goes up to the top turnbuckle but Haruyama rolls out of the way of the moonsault. Haruyama charges KAORU but KAORU ducks it, Haruyama hits the lariat on the second try and picks up a two count. A second lariat by Haruyama, but it gets another two count. Haruyama picks up KAORU, she goes for a slam but KAORU slides away and hits the Excalibur. KAORU picks up Haruyama and hits a second one, KAORU picks up Haruyama and she hits a third Excalibur. Cover, but it gets a two count. Hurricanrana by KAORU, cover, but it gets another two. La Magistral by KAORU, and she picks up the three count. Your winner: KAORU
Match Thoughts: What an odd little match. KAORU hits her finisher three times, then a hurricanrana… then wins with La Magistral? I was expecting a Haruyama hope spot or something, but there was nothing like that. There was no lack of effort but the structure was head scratching from start to finish, I am not even sure what they were going for. Maybe I didn’t get it, but it wasn’t for me even though the action itself was solid for the most part. Score: 3.5
Hanako Nakamori vs. Kana
Kana offers a handshake to start the match but Nakamori kicks her in the head. Nakamori kicks Kana into the corner, Irish whip, but Kana kicks Nakamori back. She kicks her again but Nakamori delivers a high kick. Nakamori grabs Kana but Kana blocks the slam attempt, elbows by Nakamori and she goes off the ropes, but Kana takes her to the mat and applies a cross armbreaker. Nakamori struggles in the hold but eventually gets a foot on the bottom rope. Kicks to the chest by Kana, she picks up Nakamori but Nakamori chops her in the chest. Slap by Nakamori but Kana catches her arm and applies an armbar. Kana reverts it into a cross armbreaker but Nakamori rolls to the ropes and gets a foot on the ropes again. Kana wraps Nakamori’s arm in the ropes and stomps down on it. Kick to the chest by Kana and she kicks Nakamori in the back. More kicks to the chest by Kana but Nakamori hits an enzigieri. Sliding kick by Kana, she goes off the ropes but Nakamori delivers a high kick. Sliding kick by Nakamori, cover, but it gets a two count. Nakamori picks up Kana but Kana slaps her, Nakamori catches a kick by Kana and she hits a scoop DDT. Cover, but it gets two. Nakamori pulls Kana to the mat and applies a modified armbar, but Kana reverses it into an ankle hold. Nakamori gets into the ropes to get the break, Kana picks her up but Nakamori elbows out of it. Kana gets Nakamori’s back and she applies an Octopus Hold, she rolls Nakamori to the mat and she gets a two count. Kick to the head by Kana, she goes up to the top turnbuckle but Nakamori hits her and joins her up top. Kana elbows Nakamori back to the mat but Nakamori hits a high kick. Nakamori goes back up tight and hits a vertical suplex. Nakamori goes for another kick but Kana ducks it, headbutt by Nakamori but Kana hits a trio of backfists followed by a high kick. Cover by Kana, but it gets a two count. German suplex hold by Kana, but that gets a two count as well. Kana kicks Nakamori as she sits on the mat, cover, but it gets a two count. Kana quickly applies the cross armbreaker, Nakamori rolls out of it but Kana applies a crossface chickenwing. Nakamori gets out of it and she kicks Kana in the head, Kana goes off the ropes but Nakamori blocks the sliding kick before hitting one of her own. Shining Wizard by Nakamori and she hits another one, cover, but it gets a two count. Nakamori goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a jumping knee to Kana’s face. Cover, but Kana barely gets a shoulder up. Nakamori picks up Kana but Kana gets her back and slaps on the Kana Lock. Nakamori struggles but it doesn’t matter, she is out and the referee stops the match. Your winner: Kana
Match Thoughts: Hmmm Kana. Anyway, once I got over my affection for my favorite Joshi wrestler, I realized this was a good match but far from great. Nakamori really took it to Kana, I will give her that, but so much of the offense ended up not really meaning that much. There were tons of kicks to the heads, lots of arm submissions, but really all Kana needed was the Kana Lock in the middle of the ring and Nakamori was done. I didn’t feel that Kana really wore down Nakamori to prepare for that move as it is a ‘put you to sleep’ move, not a ‘snap your arm’ move. The strikes were generally snug and it was an even match so it was anyone’s game, I just wish the action through the match had some connection to the ending. I still liked it, since it set a good pace and I couldn’t look way due to the Kana Factor, but it was really only a solid mid-card match at best. Score: 6.0
(c) Command Bolshoi and Kyoko Kimura vs. Leon and Ray
This match is for the JWP Tag Team Championship and Daily Sports Tag Team Championship. Leon and Ray attack their opponents from behind to start the match, and they go outside the ring to battle it out. Leon and Ray take their opponents near the stage and both jump off of it onto their opponents. Leon throws Bolshoi into a row of chairs before taking her up into the crowd but Bolshoi and Kimura take back over. Bolshoi gets on Kimura’s shoulders and they beat on Leon. Bolshoi takes Leon back to the ringside area and they get back into the ring. Bolshoi picks up Leon, Irish whip to the corner and Kimura hits a jumping elbow. Bolshoi wraps Leon in the ropes and applies a stretch hold, but the referee gets her to break the hold. Bolshoi tags in Kimura, Kimura picks up Leon and hits an armbreaker. Kimura elbows Leon in the arm and then kicks her before choking Leon with her boot. Kimura applies an armbar on the mat, but Ray breaks it up. Kimura grabs Leon’s arm and tags in Bolshoi. Bolshoi kicks Leon and clubs her in the back of the head. Bolshoi kicks Leon back but Leon hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Leon tags in Ray and Ray hits a cartwheel elbow in the corner. Ray goes off the ropes and hits a Sling Blade on Bolshoi, cover, but it gets a two count. Ray picks up Bolshoi, she goes off the ropes but Bolshoi kicks her. Irish whip by Bolshoi, reversed, Kimura comes in the ring but Ray gets past them and hits a double dropkick. Kimura and Bolshoi fall out of the ring, and both Leon and Ray dive out of the ring on them to the floor. Ray slides Bolshoi back into the ring, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a cartwheel kick off the ropes to Bolshoi’s.... legs. Cover, but it gets a two count. Ray picks up Bolshoi, waistlock by Ray but Bolshoi elbows out of it. Bolshoi drops Ray onto the bottom rope, she goes off the ropes but Leon cuts her off. Tiger Feint Kick by Ray, cover, but Bolshoi kicks out at two. Ray positions Bolshoi in front of the corner, she goes up to the top turnbuckle but Bolshoi gets her knees up when Ray goes for a moonsault. Palm thrust by Bolshoi, cover, but it gets a two count. Bolshoi tags in Kimura, Kimura grabs Ray and knees her into the corner. Kimura puts Ray over the second rope and kicks Ray in the chest. Slingshot doublestomp by Kimura and she kicks Leon off the apron. Kimura picks up Ray and hits a shoulder breaker. Cover, but it gets a two count. Kimura goes off the ropes but Ray avoids the doublestomp. High kick by Ray and she hits another one followed by an enzigieri. Ray tags in Leon but Kimura kicks Leon as she charges in. Elbow by Leon but Kimura elbows her back and they trade shots. Kimura gets the better of it, Leon goes off the ropes but Kimura hits a bit boot. Bolshoi runs in to attack Leon as well, swinging kick by Bolshoi and Kimura hits a running boot to the face. Cover, but it gets a two count.
Kimura picks up Leon but Leon lands on her feet on the suplex attempt and drops Kimura onto her knee. Leon goes up to the top turnbuckle but Kimura is up and joins her. Kimura picks up Leon but Leon slides down her back and lands on her feet. Ray kicks Kimura from the apron, Leon grabs Kimura and picks her up, holding her in the hair. Ray then comes off the top turnbuckle and slams Kimura’s head back into the mat. Cover by Leon but Kimura kicks out at two. Leon goes up to the top turnbuckle but Kimura moves when she goes for the senton. Kimura applies the sleeper to Leon while Bolshoi holds back Ray, Kimura waits for Leon to get up and delivers a headbutt, and she makes the tag to Bolshoi. Bolshoi hits a palm thrust onto Leon but Leon hits a backbreaker. Leon charges Bolshoi but Bolshoi hits a Tiger Feint Kick. Tilt-a-whirl slam by Leon, cover, but it gets a two count. Leon goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a frog splash, cover, but Kimura breaks it up. Ray drops Kimura with a German suplex, Leon goes up to the top turnbuckle but Bolshoi hits a palm thrust. Kimura and Bolshoi get their opponents up in different corners, Kimura hits a superplex and then Bolshoi hits an avalanche armdrag. Cover by Bolshoi but it gets a two count. Bolshoi hits a tiger suplex hold on Leon, but it gets another two. Bolshoi goes off the ropes, Leon ducks the lariat, Bolshoi holds Leon for Kimura but Leon ducks and Kimura kicks Bolshoi. Leon runs into Bolshoi, cover, but it gets a two count. Leon picks up Bolshoi and hits a scoop slam, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a rope walk dropkick onto Kimura. Ray and Leon both superkick Bolshoi and then kick Kimura as well, they both go up top to different turnbuckles and hit stereo moonsaults/sentons. Cover by Leon to Bolshoi, but it gets a two count. Leon picks up Bolshoi and hits a fisherman buster, cover, but Kimura breaks it up. Leon picks up Bolshoi again and goes for a second one but Bolshoi reverses it into a DDT. Leon and Bolshoi trade slaps, Ray grabs Bolshoi from behind but Bolshoi moves when Leon charges in, causing Leon to hit Ray. Bolshoi knocks over Leon, and both wrestlers are down on the mat. Bolshoi charges Leon but Leon rolls up Bolshoi for a two count. Kimura comes in, she headbutts Leon and then Bolshoi hits a jumping knee onto Leon. Cover, but Ray breaks it up. Bolshoi waits for Leon to get up but Leon catches her with a Capture Buster. Leon quickly picks up Bolshoi and goes for a second one, Bolshoi briefly reverses it with a small package but Leon rolls through it and plants Bolshoi with another Capture Buster. Cover, and she picks up the three count. Your winners and new champions: Leon and Ray
Match Thoughts: This was pretty hit and miss. At times the moves looked great, but at other times moves were sloppy and just poorly hit. It was almost like a toned down version of Sabu match, just try a bunch of cool stuff and as long as you hit 90% of it you’re doing ok. But I get so spoiled by Joshi I just don’t expect to see mistakes. The spots they did hit did look really good and they were flying around the ring in a very exciting manner. They also kept it going, it wasn’t a short match but there was no wasted time. I wish it was more smooth from start to finish but it still had it’s entertaining parts. Score: 5.5
(c) Arisa Nakajima vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto
This match is for the JWP Openweight Championship. They get straight to it as they charge into each other, side headlock takedown by Nakajima but Fujimoto gets out of it, trip by Fujimoto but Nakajima bridges up. Fujimoto throws Nakajima into the corner, reversed, Fujimoto jumps up to the top turnbuckle but Nakajima knocks her off and down to the floor. Nakajima attacks Fujimoto with chairs up in the crowd and they walk up to the upper aisle. Snapmare by Nakajima and she kicks Fujimoto in the face. Fujimoto rolls Nakajima to the ground and returns the favor, Irish whip by Nakajima into the wall and Fujimoto delivers a dropkick. Fujimoto picks up Nakajima and takes her back to ringside, and Fujimoto hits Nakajima with a chair. Nakajima and Fujimoto trade elbows, and Fujimoto slides Nakajima back into the ring. Fujimoto twists Nakajima in the ropes and she delivers a dropkick. Fujimoto kicks Nakajima in the chest repeatedly and she throws Nakajima into the corner. Fujimoto chokes Nakajima with her knee and she goes for a cutter, but Nakajima reverses it with a backdrop suplex. Knee to the head by Nakajima and she knees Fujimoto repeatedly in the corner. Nakajima picks up Fujimoto, Fujimoto goes for an enzigieri but Nakajima ducks and hits a German suplex hold for a two count. Nakajima goes up to the top turnbuckle but Fujimoto joins her, Nakajima knocks Fujimoto down into the tree of woe and she hits a doublestomp off the top turnbuckle. Nakajima goes up to the top turnbuckle and she hits a diving doublestomp. Cover, but it gets a two count. Nakajima picks up Fujimoto and knees Fujimoto in the face. Nakajima goes off the ropes but Fujimoto delivers a dropkick. Dropkick by Fujimoto in the corner, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick. Cover, but it gets a two. Fujimoto applies a crossface and then a cross armed submission hold, but Nakajima makes it to the ropes. Kicks to the back by Fujimoto, she goes for an armdrag but Nakajima blocks it. Waistlock by Nakajima but Fujimoto gets out of it, Fujimoto hits an enzigieri and then kicks Nakajima in the head. Cover, but it gets a two count. Fujimoto picks up Nakajima, she runs up the ropes in the corner but Nakajima kicks her down to the apron. Nakajima then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and grabs Fujimoto’s head, slamming it into the apron as she jumps to the floor. Nakajima returns to the ring with Fujimoto slowly following, but Nakajima kicks Fujimoto as she gets on the apron. Nakajima then goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a doublestomp all the way down to the floor.
Nakajima gets back in the ring but her leg is hurt, so people at ringside check her out while Fujimoto is still lying on the floor. She gets checked on too as Nakajima gets back up, and the referee starts a count. Fujimoto slowly makes it back into the ring in time, Nakajima goes up to the top turnbuckle and she dropkicks Fujimoto. She goes up top again and hits another missile dropkick. Up goes Nakajima a third time and she again dropkicks Fujimoto in the head. Cover, but Fujimoto gets a shoulder up. Nakajima picks up Fujimoto and hits a backfist, Nakajima goes for a dragon suplex but Fujimoto rolls her up for a two count. Knee to the back of the head by Nakajima and she kicks Fujimoto in the face. Nakajima picks up Fujimoto but Fujimoto hits a scoop slam. Kicks to the head by Fujimoto, she picks up Nakajima and hits two crucifix slams, but both get two counts. Fujimoto picks up Nakajima, she runs up the corner and she kicks Nakajima in the head. Fujimoto then goes off the ropes but Nakajima catches her and suplexes her to the mat. Both wrestlers slowly get up and they trade elbows, Fujimoto ducks one and hits a series of uninterrupted elbows, sending Nakajima to the mat. Fujimoto runs up the corner but Nakajima ducks the kick and punts her in the face, busting Fujimoto’s lip badly in the process. Nakajima goes off the ropes but Fujimoto does also and applies the Venus Screw for a two count. Fujimoto goes off the ropes, elbow by Nakajima but Fujimoto returns the favor. Cutie Special by Nakajima, but it gets a two count. Fujimoto goes off the ropes and hits a PK, cover, but it gets two. Another PK, but again Nakajima kicks out. Fujimoto and Nakajima trade slaps, elbows by Nakajima and she sends Fujimoto to the mat. Cover, but Fujimoto barely kicks out. Nakajima picks up Fujimoto and hits a trapped German suplex, but it only gets a two count. Nakajima picks up Fujimoto again and she delivers the dragon suplex hold, and this time she gets the three count. Your winner and still champion: Arisa Nakajima
Match Thoughts: What a brutal match. And not brutal in a bad way, I mean it in a "Fujimoto needs medical attention" kind of way. I have to first make a small complaint - I know this happens in smaller promotions with less cameras, but I was annoyed the camera missed the doublestomp out to the floor. You could still kinda see it through the crowd but an epic spot like that needs more attention, especially considering I think it legitimately hurt both of them. But then Nakajima punted the hell out of Fujimoto's face just for added drama anyway. Besides the brutality, the energy they showed was astounding, I got tired just watching them as even late in the match they were still going full tilt. Towards the end some of their strikes looked like they stopped having as much impact (such as the PKs) but I can chalk that up to exhaustion since it was very late in the match, and since ultimately those strikes didn't lead to the end of the match it didn't make either look weak. I really liked just about everything about this match, it just had that big time feel you want from the main event of a promotions's biggest show of the year, and they put everything on the line and left me in awe. Just fantastic. Score: 9.0
Final Thoughts:
Best Match: Arisa Nakajima vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto. Maybe it helps that I am not really familiar with these two so I don't know if they do the same things in every match, but this match kinda blew my mind. It was almost like the female version of Ibushi/Nakamura from 1/4/15, they were just brutal for the sake of being brutal. The stiff punt to the face, the slaps, the massive doublestomp... I mean at one point Nakajima from the top turnbuckle jumped down to the floor just to drive Fujimoto head-first into the apron. It has been awhile since I saw a Joshi match like this, and it was just as fast as it was brutal, even though you could tell they were exhausting they just kept going after each other. A shocking candidate for my MOTY, shocking because I hadn't heard a thing about this match and never saw it coming. AND they had wrestled each other earlier in the day in Ice Ribbon, I am going to have to watch that one next to see if it was a practice run or a totally different match. But as long as you don't mind female on female violence, pick this one up.
MVP: Tsukasa Fujimoto. I know she lost, but she took some of the more vicious moves I have seen in awhile and just kept on trucking. It would have been easy when blood was streaming down her face to just go to the finish (it was almost the finish anyway), but instead she stood there and traded slaps to her already hurt face just to show that she wasn't going to stand down to anyone. I don't know if this was a normal match for her or if she rose to the challenge, but she looked fantastic here in defeat and I am looking forward to seeing more of her.
Overall: Up to the main event, this was a pretty good event, but nothing great. A handful of solid matches, a handful of very missable matches, just kinda plugging along as an average event. Then the main event happened and everything changed, I actually watched the match twice in a row just because I couldn't wait to see it again. This is why I review all the events - I had heard no one mention this match was great, in fact I have read nothing about this event at all. But those two women went in there and just gave everything, both could have been legitimately seriously injured at various times in the match and I am glad they weren't (both wrestled in the days after this match). So now I can give the show a recommendation, as nothing was really bad, most of it was good, and the main event was fantastic. Total surprise, but I'm definitely not complaining.
Grade: B
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review completed on 1/6/15