A Review by Kevin Wilson
Date: June 14th, 2015
Location: Lazona Plaza Del Sol in Kawasaki, Japan
Announced Attendance: 160
June 14th for some reason was a big day for joshi events, so I plan on reviewing all the events that took place that day. That includes JWP… I am not going to pretend that JWP is my favorite joshi promotion but they do have several wrestlers that I enjoy so I will try to be optimistic. Here is the full card:
- Alex Lee vs. Yako Fujigasaki
- Leon vs. Yuuka
- Rydeen Hagane vs. Tsukushi
- Arisa Nakajima and Rabbit Miyu vs. Command Bolshoi and KAZUKI
- Hanako Nakamori vs. Kayoko Haruyama
- Arisa Nakajima, Nakamori, Haruyama, KAZUKI, and Leon vs. Command Bolshoi, Rabbit Miyu, Hagane, and Fujigasaki
Some maybe good stuff here, let’s check it out.
Alex Lee vs. Yako Fujigasaki
They circle to start and lock knuckles, Lee pushes Fujigasaki into the corner and gives a clean break, Fujigasaki elbows her back and takes Lee to the mat but Lee quickly gets back up. Lee and Fujigasaki trade elbows, kick by Lee and she delivers a superkick. Scoop slam by Lee and she covers Fujigasaki for two. Lee stomps down Fujigasaki in the corner, snapmare by Lee and she kicks Fujigasaki in the back. Irish whip by Lee but Fujigasaki hits a double chop. Fujigasaki tries to fight back unsuccessfully, Fujigasaki finally scores a few decent elbows but Lee elbows her into the corner. Dropkick by Fujigasaki and she hits a second one, a third dropkick by Fujigasaki but it gets a two count. Fujigasaki hits another double chop, she goes up top and hits a diving body press for two. Fujigasaki picks up Lee but Lee hits a vertical suplex for two. Snap suplex by Lee and she applies a cross armbreaker, but Fujigasaki gets a foot on the ropes. Kicks to the back by Lee but Fujigasaki hits an elbow. High kick by Lee, she picks up Fujigasaki and she hits the Alex Driver for the three count! The issue here is that the strikes lacked impact. Which is a big issue in a strike-based match. I haven’t seen much from Fujigasaki that gives me hope but she is still young, I haven’t seen enough of Lee either but even though she was the better one here she wasn’t too impressive either. Not a great start.
Leon vs. Yuuka
Leon and Yuuka trade elbows against the ropes to start, Leon works a side headlock and she shoulderblocks Yuuka to the mat. Armdrag by Leon but Yuuka returns the favor and both wrestlers miss dropkicks. Wristlock by Leon, reversed by Yuuka but Leon gets Yuuka to the mat with an armbar. Yuuka gets into the ropes, Leon stomps on Yuuka in the corner and hits a shoulder tackle, but she misses the neck one and Yuuka hits a dropkick. Tornado DDT by Yuuka, she goes up top and hits a missile dropkick, but Leon tosses her off when she goes up top again. Leon goes for a crab hold but Yuuka rolls her up for two, Yuuka goes off the ropes but Leon hits a backbreaker. Crab hold by Leon but Yuuka makes it to the ropes. Leon puts Yuuka in the corner and she dropkicks her in the back, double arm suplex by Leon and she gets a two count. Yuuka and Leon trade elbows, Irish whip by Leon to the corner but Yuuka rebounds out of the corner with a crossbody. Yuuka goes off the ropes and she hits an elbow, but Leon grabs Yuuka and slams her into the corner. Leon goes up top but Yuuka elbows her and joins her, elbows by Yuuka but Leon pushes her off. Yuuka goes back up again and she hits a Frankensteiner. Yuuka goes up top and hits a diving crossbody, but Leon kicks out at two. Yuuka goes off the ropes but Leon catches her with a tilt-a-whirl slam, but Yuuka barely gets a shoulder up. Leon goes up top and hits a missile dropkick, but Yuuka kicks out. Leon picks up Yuuka but Yuuka gets away, schoolboy by Yuuka but it gets two. A backslide with a jackknife gets the same result, she goes off the ropes but Leon levels her with a spear. Leon goes up top and hits a diving body press, and she gets the three count. This was better than the last match, I like Leon quite a bit. Not as familiar with Yuuka but she was solid here too, and the match felt like it got just the right amount of time with what they were going for. Not spectacular but definitely above average anyway.
Rydeen Hagane vs. Tsukushi
Hagane pushes Tsukushi into the ropes to start but gives a clean break, Tsukushi does the same but she elbows Hagane instead of breaking. Wristlock by Tsukushi, reversed by Hagane but Tsukushi reverses it back. Side headlock by Tsukushi, snapmare, and Tsukushi hits a dropkick. Tsukushi runs over Hagane’s back before trying (and failing) to apply a stretch hold. Tsukushi puts Hagane in the ropes and dropkicks her, another dropkick by Tsukushi and she covers Hagane for two. Judo throw by Hagane and she applies a side choke, but Tsukushi gets a foot on the ropes. Press slam by Hagane, she goes off the ropes and hits a body press for two. Irish whip by Hagane but Tsukushi hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors followed by a dropkick. Scoop slam by Tsukushi, she goes up top but Hagane recovers and joins her. Tsukushi gets behind Hagane and applies a stretch hold while still up top, she then slides off and dropkicks Hagane in the back. Running crossbody by Tsukushi but Hagane hits a scoop slam. Hagane picks up Tsukushi but Tsukushi gets behind her and applies a sleeper. Hagane drives Tsukushi into the corner to get her off but Tsukushi avoids her charge. Hagane puts Tsukushi in the corner and she hits a body avalanche. Lariat by Hagane, she goes up top and she hits a reverse splash. Another reverse splash by Hagane but it gets a two count. Hagane goes off the ropes but Tsukushi catches her with a dropkick, elbows by Tsukushi and she dropkicks Hagane in the face. She goes off the ropes again and hits a crossbody, picking up a two count. Tsukushi goes up top but Hagane avoids the diving footstomp. Backdrop suplex by Hagane, she goes up top but Tsukushi avoids the body press. Knee by Tsukushi, she goes up top and hits a missile dropkick. Tsukushi picks up Hagane, elbow by Tsukushi but Hagane catches her with a lariat. Slaps by Tsukushi, she goes off the ropes, roll-up by Hagane but it gets two. Tsukushi gets onto Hagane’s back and she hits the Denden Mushi for the three count! I like big vs. little matches, they are the easiest to do and still at least be somewhat entertaining. Tsukushi is itty bitty but constant energy, and Hagane was fine hitting the power moves when needed. A few hard hits and non-stop action, nothing memorable but still fun. Mildly Recommended
Arisa Nakajima and Rabbit Miyu vs. Command Bolshoi and KAZUKI
This is an odd bunch. Miyu and KAZUKI start off, Miyu clubs at KAZUKI but KAZUKI hits a knee. They trade knees as Bolshoi comes in, and Miyu is double teamed in the corner. Double underhook face crusher onto her knee, KAZUKI picks up Miyu and hits a scoop slam. Double knee by KAZUKI and she tags in Bolshoi. Snapmare by Bolshoi and she applies a stretch hold to Miyu. Bolshoi stomps on Miyu’s back and she hits a scoop slam, cover by Bolshoi but Miyu bridges out of it and hits a dropkick. Miyu tags in Nakajima, Nakajima and Bolshoi grapple around on the mat, Bolshoi drives Nakajima into the corner and tags in KAZUKI. KAZUKI knees Nakajima in the corner, Irish whip by KAZUKI and she hits a body avalanche. Irish whip again, reversed, and Nakajima hits a dropkick out of the corner. Miyu comes in and they both kick KAZUKI and hit a double DDT. Double dropkick by Miyu and Nakajima, Nakajima picks up KAZUKI and they trade strikes. Nakajima hits a footstomp to KAZUKI’s stomach but KAZUKI hits a backdrop suplex for two. Bolshoi is tagged in and she knees Nakajima in the head multiple times. Back up they trade elbows, Irish whip by Bolshoi but Nakajima hits a DDT. Nakajima knees Bolshoi against the bottom rope, but Bolshoi hits a palm thrust. Release German suplex by Nakajima and she hits more knees, Bolshoi slaps her and goes off the ropes, but Nakajima hits a hard elbow. Running boot by Nakajima and she hits a German suplex hold for two. Nakajima tags in Miyu, Miyu elbows Bolshoi but Bolshoi applies a short armbar. Armdrag by Miyu and she hits rolling vertical suplexes, but Bolshoi reverses the last one into a guillotine choke. Miyu gets out of it with a vertical suplex, Miyu goes up top but Bolshoi runs up and hits a palm thrust. Nakajima runs in and suplexes Bolshoi from behind, then Miyu hits a missile dropkick. Nakajima hits one too, another missile dropkick by Miyu and she gets two.
Miyu picks up Bolshoi but Bolshoi elbows her and hits a superkick. Release German by Bolshoi and she throws Miyu into the ropes. KAZUKI comes in and hits a Codebreaker, Bolshoi goes off the ropes and hits a tiger feint kick. Palm thrust by Bolshoi, cover, but Miyu gets a shoulder up. Tiger suplex hold by Bolshoi, but Nakajima breaks it up. Bolshoi tags in KAZUKI and KAZUKI hits a running knee to Miyu. Footstomp by KAZUKI, she picks up Miyu and hits a few knees. KAZUKI goes off the ropes but Miyu elbows her, more elbows by Miyu as Nakajima comes in, but KAZUKI knees both of them. Death by Roderick by KAZUKI to Miyu but Nakajima breaks up the pin. Scoop slam by KAZUKI, she goes up top but Miyu joins her and hits elbows. Superplex by Miyu, she goes off the ropes but KAZUKI applies an armbar but Miyu gets out of it. Backdrop suplex by KAZUKI and she hits a pair of reverse double knees, but Miyu kicks out of the cover. KAZUKI goes up top and hits a diving double knee drop, but Nakajima breaks it up. KAZUKI picks up Miyu but Miyu slides away from the cutter. Miyu goes off the ropes and hits an elbow, Miyu picks up KAZUKI and hits a release German suplex hold for two. Bolshoi runs in but she hits KAZUKI, elbow by Miyu but KAZUKI knees her. KAZUKI goes for a knee but Miyu catches it and she nails the Rabbit Suplex Hold for the three count! This was really fun too, maybe I sold this event short (although the next two matches scare me). Miyu isn’t a favorite of mine but she really held her own here, and the other three are all solid. Constant action, big moves when appropriate, really there was nothing wrong with it. For a mid-card tag match it exceeded expectations, definitely worth a watch. Recommended
Hanako Nakamori vs. Kayoko Haruyama
Haruyama and Nakamori tie-up to start, kicks by Nakamori but Haruyama throws her to the mat. Haruyama gets Nakamori’s ankle, she picks her up but Nakamori throws Haruyama down by her hair. She does it again and kicks Haruyama in the back, PK by Nakamori and the cover gets two. Kicks by Nakamori but Haruyama clubs her in the chest. Neckbreaker by Nakamori and she kicks Haruyama into the corner, big boot by Nakamori but Haruyama hits a German suplex. They trade suplexes, Haruyama falls outside the ring and Nakamori kicks her from the apron. Nakamori hits a fisherman suplex out on the floor before rolling Haruyama back in, Shining Wizard by Nakamori but the cover gets two. Submission by Nakamori, kicks by Nakamori but Haruyama throws her in the corner and hits a series of short range lariats. Another lariat by Haruyama, she picks up Nakamori and puts her on the top turnbuckle before joining her, and she hits an avalanche German suplex. German suplex hold by Haruyama, but it gets a two count. Lariat by Haruyama, cover, but Nakamori gets a shoulder up. Thrust kick by Haruyama, she goes up top and delivers the guillotine leg drop, but it gets two. Haruyama picks up Nakamori but Nakamori snaps off a capture buster. Haruyama kicks Nakamori but Nakamori kicks her back, slap by Nakamori but Haruyama slaps her in return. Haruyama picks up Nakamori and lariats her repeatedly, Nakamori goes off the ropes but Haruyama catches her with another lariat for two. Waistlock by Haruyama but Nakamori headbutts out of it, Nakamori kicks Haruyama in the head, fisherman buster by Nakamori but the cover gets two. Nakamori picks up Haruyama and kicks her in the leg, Nakamori goes off the ropes but Haruyama hits a lariat. Back up they trade elbows, and Haruyama kicks Nakamori in the back of the head. Another kick by Haruyama but Nakamori rolls her up for a two count. Nakamori kicks Haruyama in the head, another kick by Nakamori and she covers Haruyama for two. Nakamori goes off the ropes but Haruyama hits a superkick, Haruyama hits a series of lariats to the front and to the back before going up top and nailing the diving guillotine leg drop. Cover, and she gets three! This wasn’t really my type of match, way too repetitive as neither one has the most varied move set. There were good things here and there, a few of Nakamori’s kicks were nice, but overall just a skippable match.
Arisa Nakajima, Hanako Nakamori, Kayoko Haruyama, KAZUKI, and Leon vs. Command Bolshoi, Rabbit Miyu, Rydeen Hagane, and Yako Fujigasaki
Yes, it is 5 vs. 4, your math is fine. This is more of a ‘special attraction’ type thing with wrestlers from the previous matches coming together to end the show. Fujigasaki and Nakamori are the first two in and Nakamori gets right to it, then her teammates run in and everyone attacks Fujigasaki in the corner. KAZUKI comes in and knees Fujigasaki before hitting a double knee drop for two. Fujigasaki fights back and tags in Hagane, stomps by Hagane on KAZUKI, but KAZUKI throws her down by the hair. Elbows by Hagane, Irish whip to the corner but KAZUKI reverses it and hits a lariat. KAZUKI tags in Nakajima, big boot by Nakajima and she gets a two count. Hagane lariats Nakajima in the corner, another lariat by Hagane and she tags in Miyu. Everyone comes in to attack Nakajima in her corner, but Nakajima tags in Leon. Irish whip by Leon and she dropkicks Miyu, cover, but it gets two. Dropkick by Miyu and she hits a footstomp. The rest of Miyu’s team comes in and everyone takes turns running on Leon, dropkick by Miyu and she tags in Hagane. Hagane picks up Leon in a military press and then hits a body press for two. Leon fights back with elbows and tags in Haruyama. Leg drop by Haruyama and now it is Hagane that gets run on by everyone, leg lock by Haruyama, then she puts on a camel clutch. This leads to everyone else running in and creating a sleeper hold line, with Leon finally coming in to break it up. Haruyama throws Hagane but Hagane hits a lariat for a two count. Hagane tags in Bolshoi but Haruyama hits a Stunner on Bolshoi. Haruyama rolls Bolshoi around the ring but Bolshoi applies a double armbar. That is quickly broken up of course, Bolshoi picks up Haruyama and tags n Miyu, elbows by Miyu but Haruyama drives her back and tags in Leon. Missile dropkick by Leon, she picks up Miyu but Miyu elbows her off. Spear by Leon, cover, but it is broken up. Leon goes up top and hits a frog splash, but it only gets two. Miyu sneaks in an inside cradle but that gets two, as does the roll-up. Her team runs in, Miyu picks up Leon and she hits a German suplex hold for two. Lariat by Miyu but Leon kicks out, Bolshoi hits a palm thrust on Leon and Miyu rolls up Leon for two. Leon fights back and hits another spear, but the cover is broken up. The bell rings around this time and the match is declared a Draw. It took about eight minutes for this match to get interesting, and while I appreciate that it finally did, it wasn’t enough to make the match as a whole worth watching. An interesting combination of good and below average wrestlers so it really just depended on who was in the ring if it was decent action. Seemed like more of a bonus match, not bad but kind of pointless.
Final Thoughts:
I guess this wasn't the worst event from JWP I have seen this year. The mid-card tag match was quite good, it was borderline "go and see it!" good but is well worth the watch anyway. That was the only match that jumped out at me, but there were several other above average matches that while may not be memorable have some solid actions. Still not enough for me to recommend as there was a general lack of importance throughout the card, but not a bad effort for a JWP house-show level event.
Grade: D+
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event reviewed on 6/24/15