A Review by Kevin Wilson

Date: September 7th, 2014
Location: Shin-Kiba 1st RING in Tokyo, Japan
Announced Attendance: 285
The 5*Star GP Tournament is a yearly tournament that takes place in Stardom. The winner doesn’t get anything per se, just bragging rights and a really pretty trophy, which in a lot of ways is all a person can ask for in life. The first event wasn’t taped, but this is the second event of the tournament. The final was taped as well so I’ll come back to that soon, assuming I can find it I will review that one next. Here is the full card:
- Hatsuhinode Kamen vs. Kris Wolf vs. vs. Reo Hazuki
- 5*Star GP - Red Stars Block: Kairi Hojo vs. Kaori Yoneyama
- 5*Star GP - Blue Stars Block: Kyoko Kimura vs. Takumi Iroha
- 5*Star GP - Blue Stars Block: Koguma vs. Yoshiko
- 5*Star GP - Red Stars Block: Io Shirai vs. Star Fire
- 5*Star GP - Blue Stars Block: DASH Chisako vs. Mayu Iwatani
- 5*Star GP - Red Stars Block: Melissa vs. Nanae Takahashi
Let’s get straight to it!
Hatsuhinode Kamen vs. Kris Wolf vs. Reo Hazuki
They get into a three way knuckle lock to start the match, side headlock takedown by Hazuki to Wolf and she keeps the hold applied, but Wolf reverses it into a headscissors. Hazuki gets out of it as Kamen rolls back into the picture, but Wolf and Hazuki stomp on her. Kamen gets Hazuki on her shoulders, she uses Hazuki to kick Wolf out of the ring but Hazuki gets off Kamen’s back. Kamen throws Hazuki down by her hair and rubs her ass in her face in the corner. Hazuki knocks Kamen back and throws her down by her hair before choking her in the corner with her boot. Hazuki picks up Kamen but Kamen ducks the lariat and applies a sleeper. Wolf runs back in and applies a sleeper to Kamen, Hazuki gets free from Kamen and applies a sleeper onto Wolf. Kamen gets loose and puts Hazuki in a sleeper, helping free Wolf. Wolf applies a sleeper onto Kamen but Kamen drives Wolf back into the corner. Hazuki picks up Kamen and goes for a scoop slam but Kamen punches out of it. Scoop slam by Kamen and she drop toeholds Wolf onto Hazuki. Elbow drop attempt by Kamen but both Hazuki and Wolf move. Wolf dropkicks Kamen out of the ring, but Hazuki then dropkicks Wolf. Another dropkick by Hazuki and she hits a third, cover by Hazuki but it gets a two count. Hazuki picks up Wolf but Wolf slaps Hazuki. Hazuki slaps her back and they trade blows, kicks to the leg by Wolf and she kicks Hazuki in the head. Cover, but it gets a two count. Kamen is back and applies a waistlock to Wolf, reversed by Wolf but Kamen rolls up Wolf for a two count. Kamen picks up Wolf, Irish whip by Kamen but Wolf moves when Kamen charges in. Dropkick by Hazuki to Kamen and Wolf dropkicks Kamen as well. Wolf and Hazuki grab Kamen but Kamen punches them both in the stomach. Another punch by Kamen to Wolf and she goes for a vertical suplex, but Wolf blocks it. Hazuki rolls up Kamen, but it gets a two count, Wolf quickly rolls up Hazuki but it gets a two count as well. Big boot by Kamen to Hazuki, she picks her up and Wolf elbows Hazuki in the back. Wolf goes off the ropes but Kamen hits a splash. Kamen charges Wolf but Wolf moves and Kamen tumbles out of the ring. Hazuki goes for a dropkick but Wolf avoids it, schoolboy by Hazuki but it gets a two count. Hazuki goes off the ropes and hits a victory roll, but it gets another two. Hazuki picks up Wolf, knees by Wolf to the stomach and she delivers a right high kick. Cover, and she barely gets the three count before Hazuki kicks out. Your winner: Kris Wolf
Match Thoughts: This is Wolf’s first career win in her fourth professional match (by my count). This was a solid opener, it was fast paced and short, leaving for no real opportunities of downtime. Kamen is limited and both Wolf and Hazuki are rookies so it wasn’t overly complicated, but the match flowed very well, no miscommunications, and they weren’t being soft with each other as Wolf ended up with a busted lip. Good way to start the show. Score: 6.0
Kairi Hojo vs. Kaori Yoneyama
This match is part of the 5*Star GP. Yoneyama attacks Hojo before the match even starts, stomps by Yoneyama but Hojo pushes her back. Knee to the head by Yoneyama and she hits a swinging kick, cover, but it gets a two count. They finally get the ribbons out of the ring and Hojo rolls up Yoneyama for a two count. Wing Clutch Hold by Hojo, but that gets a two count as well. Stomp by Hojo, she picks up Yoneyama, Irish whip, reversed, Hojo hops up to the top turnbuckle but Yoneyama knocks her off down to the floor. Yoneyama goes off to the apron and hits a knee on the standing Hojo. Yoneyama picks up Hojo and throws her into the crowd. Hojo slowly makes her way back to the ring, and Yoneyama boots Hojo against the ropes. Yoneyama chokes Hojo with her boot, Irish whip by Yoneyama and Yoneyama hits a shoulderblock. Knee by Yoneyama and she boots Hojo in the face. More running boots by Yoneyama, cover, but it gets a two count. Senton by Yoneyama, cover, but Hojo kicks out. Yoneyama applies a sleeper but Hojo gets out of it, and Yoneyama applies a stretch hold. Hojo gets to the ropes and forces a break, and Yoneyama chops Hojo against the ropes. Yoneyama goes off the ropes and she hits a dropkick. Cover by Yoneyama but Hojo gets a hand on the ropes. Yoneyama picks up Hojo and she hits a scoop slam. Yoneyama picks up Hojo but Hojo chops her back and they trade elbows, Yoneyama picks up Hojo and throws her into the corner. Yoneyama chokes Hojo with her boot, Yoneyama picks up Hojo, Irish whip, Hojo goes for a spear but Yoneyama avoids it. Irish whip by Yoneyama but Hojo delivers the spear. Hojo charges Yoneyama but Yoneyama moves and Hojo falls out of the ring to the ramp. Yoneyama goes out after her and goes for a suplex, but Hojo blocks it. Waistlock by Hojo and she hits a spear on the entrance way.
Hojo stomps Yoneyama in the back and twists her up in the ropes. Hojo charges Yoneyama and spears Yoneyama in the back. They get back into the ring and Hojo hits an elbow drop. Cover, but it gets a two count. Single leg crab hold by Hojo but Yoneyama gets a hand on the ropes. Elbow drop by Hojo, cover, but it gets a two. Gokuraku-Gatame by Hojo, she releases the hold and picks up Yoneyama, but she can’t get her onto her shoulders. She finally gets Yoneyama up but Yoneyama slides off and applies a sleeper. Hojo gets out of it and spears Yoneyama in the back, but Yoneyama moves when Hojo charges her in the corner and knees Hojo in the back of the head. Yoneyama grabs Hojo, kick by Yoneyama and she hits a DDT. Yoneyama goes off the ropes and knees Hojo in the back. Yoneyama picks up Hojo, chops to the chest by Hojo, she goes off the ropes but Yoneyama levels her with a jumping back kick. Cover, but Hojo gets a shoulder up. Yoneyama picks up Hojo and kicks her in the face. Another kick by Yoneyama, as Hojo’s mouth is busted open from likely the jumping kick. Yoneyama goes off the ropes but Hojo hits a spear. Hojo gets Yoneyama on her shoulders and hits a fireman’s carry roll. Hojo goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a diving elbow drop, cover, but it gets a two count. Hojo goes all the way up to the top turnbuckle but Yoneyama recovers and joins her. Hojo and Yoneyama trade slaps, headbutts by Yoneyama and she suplexes Hojo to the mat. Elbow by Yoneyama but Hojo hits her back and they trade blows. Elbows by Yoneyama, she goes off the ropes but Hojo chops her in the chest. Cover, but it gets a two count. Hojo goes off the ropes but Yoneyama gets up and hits a lariat. Yoneyama picks up Hojo and hits a rolling German suplex hold, but it gets a two. Yoneyama goes up to the top turnbuckle but Hojo avoids the diving seated senton. Hojo tackles Yoneyama and she applies a cross-legged submission, she then picks up Yoneyama and hits a series of elbows. Elbows by Hojo, she goes off the ropes but Yoneyama trips her and covers her for a two. Hojo gets her own roll-up pin but it gets a two count as well. Yoneyama picks up Hojo but the bell rings as time has expired. The match is a draw.
Match Thoughts: So far we are two for two on matches with busted mouths, they don’t have to be so rough on each other. I really enjoyed this match, this is the best I have seen from Yoneyama as this year she has mostly been stuck in comedy matches. Hojo showed her usual fire and both were full steam ahead for the entire match. Normally I don’t like draws but it works in a tournament setting as it always sets up drama down the road. Really solid match. Score: 7.0
Kyoko Kimura vs. Takumi Iroha
This match is part of the 5*Star GP. Iroha slaps Kimura to start the match but Kimura hits her back, knocking Iroha to the mat. Slap by Kimura and Iroha falls out of the ring. Kimura goes out after her and clubs Iroha in the back. Kimura tries to throw Iroha into the ring post but Iroha blocks it and sends Kimura into the post instead. Iroha kicks Kimura around the ring and slides her back in, Iroha returns as well and stomps Kimura. Iroha picks up Kimura and goes for a scoop slam, but Kimura blocks it. Double leg takedown with Kimura but Iroha gets into the ropes to force a break. Stomps by Kimura, she picks up Iroha and hits her to the mat. Kimura twists on Iroha’s leg and applies a kneelock, but Iroha gets a hand on the bottom rope. Kimura toys with Iroha but Iroha elbows her. More elbows by Iroha, she goes off the ropes and shoulderblocks Kimura but Kimura shoulderblocks her to the mat. Iroha comes back with her own shoulderblock, she picks up Kimura and hits a scoop slam. Another scoop slam by Iroha and she hits a third. Cover, but it gets a two count. Another cover, but again it gets two. Waistlock by Iroha but Kimura gets out of it and applies a kimura, she then applies a sleeper before flinging Iroha to the mat. Cover by Kimura but it gets a two count. Kimura picks up Iroha and kicks her in the head. Stomp by Kimura, she waits for Iroha to get up but Iroha elbows Kimura in the chest. Uppercut by Iroha and she kicks Kimura in the head. German suplex hold by Iroha but it gets a two count. Iroha goes up top and hits a diving body press, she goes up top again and hits a second one. Cover, but it gets a two count. Iroha picks up Kimura and goes for a powerbomb, but Kimura blocks it and hits a back bodydrop. Iroha goes off the ropes but Kimura kicks her when she goes for a heel kick. Cover by Kimura, but Iroha kicks out. Headbutt by Kimura, cover, but it gets a two count. Kimura goes off the ropes but Iroha ducks the big boot, Iroha punches Kimura when she goes for a headbutt and delivers a headbutt of her own. Cover, but it gets a two count. Iroha waits for Kimura to get up and goes off the ropes, but Kimura catches her with a Front Necklock. Iroha struggles and tries to get out of it, but she can’t get to the ropes and she has to submit. Your winner: Kyoko Kimura
Match Thoughts: Iroha showed some fire but she just wasn’t going to beat Kimura, Kimura just has too many tricks up her sleeve. Kimura dominated the match as she should have but Iroha definitely got her shots in, it was far from a squash as she had several near falls. Pretty solid match, nothing mind blowing but an entertaining mid-card affair. Score: 6.5
Koguma vs. Yoshiko
This match is part of the 5*Star GP. Koguma dropkicks Yoshiko from behind to start the match, school boy by Koguma but it gets a two count. Two more quick pins by Koguma but Yoshiko kicks out. Yoshiko grabs Koguma by the throat and throws her down in the corner so she can take off her jacket. Yoshiko and Koguma lock knuckles, wristlock by Yoshiko but Koguma reverses it. Yoshiko flings Koguma to the mat, Koguma grabs Yoshiko by the leg but Yoshiko applies a side headlock. Wristlock by Yoshiko and she applies a hammerlock, but Koguma reverses it. Armdrag by Yoshiko to Koguma, kick to the stomach by Yoshiko but Koguma hits an armdrag. Crossbody attempt by Koguma but Yoshiko catches her and hits a backbreaker. Yoshiko applies a single leg crab hold and she grabs Koguma’s arm before she can reach the ropes. She finally reaches the ropes, Yoshiko puts her in the corner and hits a series of facewashes followed by a running boot. Yoshiko picks up Koguma, Irish whip, but Koguma blocks it and kicks Yoshiko to the mat. Dropkick by Koguma and she hits another dropkick. A third dropkick by Koguma, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and she hits a missile dropkick. Cover, but it gets a two count. Koguma goes for a sunset flip but Yoshiko blocks it, Koguma moves when Yoshiko tries to stomp on her and Koguma hits a face crusher for a two count. Koguma hits elbows with Yoshiko and Koguma applies a cross armbreaker. Yoshiko gets out of it, elbow by Koguma but Yoshiko elbows her back. They trade elbows, Koguma goes off the ropes but Yoshiko hits a Code Breaker. Yoshiko charges Koguma in the corner and hits a body avalanche. Cover, but it gets a two count. Yoshiko puts Koguma on her shoulders, Koguma slides away but Yoshiko grabs her by the throat. Monkey flip by Koguma and she rolls up Yoshiko for a two count. Koguma goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a cutter. Cover, but Yoshiko gets a shoulder up. Koguma goes off the ropes but Yoshiko delivers a lariat. Cover, but it gets a two count. Neck-Hanging Bomb by Yoshiko, and she picks up the three count. Your winner: Yoshiko
Match Thoughts: Koguma had a tough draw against the World of Stardom Championship. This was a decent underdog vs. champion type of match but they didn’t really do anything special with it. In a tournament setting, anyone can win, but I never really felt here that Koguma was close to winning. Part of that is the match length, it is hard to beat a champion in five minutes no matter who you are, and Yoshiko was just too dominating compared to Koguma to think she may lose. The action was solid, it was just short and predictable. Score: 5.0

Io Shirai vs. Star Fire
This match is part of the 5*Star GP. Tie-up, Irish whip by Shirai and she flips Star Fire to the mat, Star Fire goes off the ropes but Shirai hits an armdrag. Armdrag by Shirai and she avoids Star Fire’s dropkick. Star Fire charges Shirai but Shirai avoids another dropkick, Shirai grabs Star Fire by the arm, elbows by Star Fire and she hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Armdrag by Star Fire, and Shirai falls out of the ring. Shirai goes out to the apron and springboards backwards onto Star Fire. They get back in the ring and Star Fire hits a knee in the corner followed by a face crusher. Cover, but it gets a two count. Star Fire rams Shirai’s head repeatedly in the mat and pulls back on Shirai’s arm. Star Fire picks up Shirai but Shirai elbows her off. Shirai goes off the ropes but Star Fire hits a wheelbarrow suplex hold for a two count. Star Fire picks up Shirai but Shirai hits a back bodydrop. Dropkick by Shirai and she charges Star Fire in the corner, but Star Fire moves out of the way. Backstabber by Star Fire and she applies a stretch hold. Shirai gets out of it and drop toeholds Star Fire onto the second rope. Tiger Feint Kick attempt by Shirai but Star Fire moves out of the way. Irish whip by Shirai to the corner, reversed, and Shirai hits an armdrag from the top turnbuckle. Shirai knocks Star Fire out of the ring, she goes out to the apron and hits an Asai Moonsault. Shirai slides Star Fire back in the ring, she gets on the apron and hits a swandive missile dropkick. Tiger Feint Kick by Shirai and she hits another swandive missile dropkick. Cover, but it gets a two count. Shirai picks up Star Fire and applies a double underhook, but Star Fire gets away and hits a PK. Rolling neckbreaker by Star Fire, elbows by Shirai in the corner, Irish whip, but Star Fire hits a back kick. Elbows by Star Fire and she hits a springboard double knee to Shirai’s chest. Star Fire picks up Shirai and hits a hammerlock powerbomb, cover, but it gets a two count. Star Fire kicks Shirai in the stomach and she goes for a package piledriver, but Shirai reverses it with a hurricanrana for a two count. High kick to the head by Shirai and she applies La Magistral for a two count. Shirai goes for a package German but Shirai elbows out of it. Palm trust by Shirai, she goes off the ropes but Star Fire hits a big boot. Star Fire goes for a lariat but Shirai ducks it and hits a double underhook facebuster. Cover, but it gets a two count. Shirai picks up Star Fire and nails the package German suplex hold, but it gets a two count. Shirai positions Star Fire in front of the corner, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and she nails a moonsault. Cover, and she picks up the three count. Your winner: Io Shirai
Match Thoughts: Star Fire was a bit hit and miss. Some of her moves looked great, some not so much, and I am spoiled by Joshi wrestlers generally being so crisp that every mistake is more noticeable. They didn’t really take any risks here, you’d expect more high flying but likely due to fact they were in the middle of a tournament they didn’t take too many chances which hurt the match overall. Shirai still looked good, but definitely the worst match I’ve seen her in as she was restricted by the time, tournament setting, and her opponent. Score: 4.0
DASH Chisako vs. Mayu Iwatani
This match is part of the 5*Star GP. Iwatani starts the match with a dropkick, Irish whip by Iwatani, reversed, and Iwatani hits a jumping back elbow. Scoop slam by Iwatani, she picks up Chisako but Chisako knees her in the stomach and throws Iwatani to the mat. Kicks by Chisako and she stomps Iwatani in the corner. Side headlock by Chisako but Iwatani gets into the ropes to force a break. Irish whip by Chisako and she hits a dropkick in the corner. Irish whip by Chisako, reversed, Chisako reverses it back but Iwatani slides out to the apron when Chisako charges in and hits a slingshot dropkick. Irish whip by Iwatani, reversed, but Iwatani hits a springboard crossbody. Iwatani kicks Chisako against the ropes, kick by Chisako and Chisako boots Iwatani in the head. Dropkick to the head by Chisako, she picks up Iwatani and hits a face crusher. Cover, but it gets a two count. Chisako goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick. Dropkick in the corner by Chisako, she picks up Iwatani and goes for a backdrop suplex, but Iwatani elbows out of it. Kick by Chisako, she goes off the ropes but Iwatani flings her to the mat and kicks her in the back. Iwatani picks up Chisako but Iwatani gets away and hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Sling Blade by Iwatani, she picks up Chisako and hits a Northern Lights Suplex Hold for a two count. Iwatani picks up Chisako and applies a full nelson, but Chisako breaks out of it. Iwatani goes up to the second turnbuckle and she hits a missile dropkick. Cover by Iwatani, but it gets a two count. Iwatani picks up Chisako and they trade elbows, more elbows by Chisako but Iwatani elbows her back. Slap by Iwatani but Chisako dropkicks her in the knee and hits a backfist. Dropkick by Chisako, cover, but it gets two. Chisako picks up Iwatani and throws her into the corner before hitting a face crusher. Chisako goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving doublestomp. Chisako goes back up top again and hits a second diving doublestomp. Cover, but Iwatani gets a shoulder up. Chisako kicks Iwatani in the back of the head, boot to the face by Chisako but Iwatani hits a crucifix bomb for a two count. Dragon suplex hold by Iwatani, but it gets another two. Iwatani picks up Chisako but Chisako pushes her off and rolls up Iwatani for a two count. Chisako goes off the ropes and hits a bodyscissors pin for a two count, and Chisako kicks Iwatani in the back of the head. Running elbow in the corner by Chisako and she drives Iwatani’s face into the mat. Chisako goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving doublestomp. Cover, but Iwatani barely gets a shoulder up. Chisako picks up Iwatani and hits a Northern Lights Suplex, she then rolls through it and hits a vertical suplex. Cover, but it gets a two count. Chisako stomps on Iwatani, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a Hormone Splash. Cover, and she picks up the three count. Your winner: DASH Chisako
Match Thoughts: To me, the doublestomp is one of the more painful looking moves in wrestling. It is one of those moves I can’t imagine how it doesn’t hurt… I mean a lot of moves hurt but a doublestomp looks like it should incapacitate someone. So naturally Chisako did the move over and over just to punish poor Iwatani. Chisako did a good job here of acting as the heel, punishing the younger Iwatani. Chisako isn’t flashy, but she is to the point and she doesn’t have any wasted moves. Her strikes looked good and Iwatani took everything like a champ. A really enjoyable match after a few lackluster ones. Score: 7.0
Melissa vs. Nanae Takahashi
This match is part of the 5*Star GP. Melissa and Takahashi circle each other to start, tie-up, full nelson by Takahashi but Melissa reverses it into a hammerlock. Wristlock by Takahashi but Melissa reverses it but Takahashi reverses it back. Wristlock by Melissa, side headlock takedown by Takahashi but Melissa quickly gets out of it. Tie-up, Irish whip by Melissa to the corner but Takahashi kicks her back and hits an armdrag. Takahashi picks up Melissa, side headlock, Melissa reverses it, Irish whip by Takahashi and they collide with no result. Melissa goes off the ropes but can’t shoulderblock Takahashi down, and Melissa yanks down Takahashi by her hair. Melissa applies a leg submission hold but Takahashi gets to the ropes to force a break. Kick to the back by Melissa and she stomps on Takahashi’s stomach. Melissa chokes Takahashi with her boot in the corner before stomping on her some more. Melissa picks up Takahashi and throws her into the corner. Chop by Melissa but Takahashi elbows her, shoulder tackles by Melissa in the corner and she hits a jumping elbow smash. Takahashi dropkicks Melissa in the knee and Takahashi applies an ankle hold. Melissa eventually makes it to the ropes to force a break, Takahashi picks up Melissa and throws her into the corner. Lariats in the corner by Takahashi, she charges Melissa and she kicks Melissa in the stomach. Takahashi grabs Melissa and goes for a suplex, but Melissa blocks it. Lariat by Takahashi and she hits a vertical suplex. A second vertical suplex by Takahashi, cover, but it gets a two count. Crossface by Takahashi but Melissa rolls up Takahashi for a two count. Kondo Clutch by Melissa but Takahashi gets a hand on the ropes to force a break. Melissa picks up Takahashi, waistlock by Takahashi but Melissa elbows out of it. Melissa tries to put Takahashi on her shoulders but Takahashi gets away, Takahashi goes off the ropes but Melissa hits a Samoan Drop. Cover, but it gets a two count. Melissa goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick. Melissa goes up top again but Takahashi hits her before she can jump off. Takahashi goes up top with Melissa and she hits a superplex. Cover, but Melissa kicks out. Takahashi positions Melissa in front of the corner, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving body press. Cover, but it gets a two count. Takahashi goes up top again but Melissa is up and hits her before she can jump off. Melissa goes up top, she gets Takahashi on her shoulders and hits an avalanche Samoan Drop. Cover, but Takahashi kicks out at two. Melissa picks up Takahashi and goes for the Air Raid Crash, but Takahashi reverses it into a sunset flip for a two count. Takahashi picks up Melissa but Melissa get away and hits a high kick. German suplex by Melissa but Takahashi rolls through it and hits a lariat for a two count. Takahashi picks up Melissa but Melissa hits the Air Raid Crash. Cover, but it only gets a two count. Melissa picks up Takahashi and goes for the Kudo Driver, but Takahashi blocks it. Jumping kick by Takahashi, she gets Melissa on her shoulders and she drops her with the Axe Guillotine Driver. Cover, and she picks up the three count. Your winner: Nanae Takahashi
Match Thoughts: An entertaining match to end the event with. Melissa and Takahashi are more grounded than most the other women in this tournament, so this was a nice change of pace as it was more strike and submission based with the bigger moves sprinkled in when needed. They did a good job teasing their big spots, even if some were never hit, and they kept the crowd into it. Very fundamentally sound, it didn’t have any really big moments you may hope for in a main event but that is just another tournament limitation, this was still early in the tournament so they weren’t going to go too crazy too soon. Still, a good match and a solid main event. Score: 6.5

Final Thoughts:
Best Match: DASH Chisako vs. Mayu Iwatani. I have to tip my hat to this one for a few different reasons. First, it had a great dynamic of veteran vs. younger wrestler, as it really did feel like Iwatani could have won but Chisako wasn’t going to make it easy. Also, Chisako was enjoying doing the most painful moves she could think of which is, let’s face it, always entertaining. They kept the match moving and it was structured well to keep the story clear and didn’t try to do too much. Overall an entertaining match.
MVP: Kairi Hojo. This wasn’t an easy choice either, but even though her match was early on the card I think she was the most memorable wrestler on the event. First of all, Hojo busting her mouth and still marching onward is always a good visual, not that any wrestler would have quit but it made her journey seem all the more tougher. Second, she is adorable. And finally she was just really crisp in the match with her offense. She’s tiny, but she leaves a big impression and she has fast become one of my favorite wrestlers this year to watch.
Overall: The only thing this event really lacked was a standout match. Tournaments have their pros and cons. I like being able to see wrestlers in singles matches, it just gives them more of an opportunity to show what they can do. The downside is the matches tend to be shorter, and they don’t always go ‘all out’ because they have more singles matches forthcoming and they don’t want to risk injury mid-tournament. But there were several really entertaining matches here, and a couple other solid matches, so if you are like me and prefer singles matches it is worth a look for sure.
Grade: C+
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review completed on 1/7/15