Andre the Giant

Birthdate: May 19th, 1946
Death: January 29th, 1993
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Famous Matches and Storylines:  One could write a book about Andre, but his biggest match of course was against Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania III.  Many people view this as when Andre "passed the torch," even though Andre was around for another three years in the WWF.  It was still a very important match, and further increased the excitement around Hulkamania.
Major Titles Held:  The WWF title (which he immediately gave away), the WWF tag team title, the IWA Tag Team title, the Austral-Asian Tag Team title, the NWA US Tag Team title, and the Florida Tag Team title
Other Notes:  There are many myths and legends surrounding Andre the Giant, including such stories that he could drink 7,000 calories of beer every day, and that he once lifted a car up on it's hood all by himself.  Regardless, Andre will always be remembered as being a very gentle and kind Giant, and one that would never put another person at risk.  Andre the Giant was the biggest attraction in the 70s and into the mid 80s, as he sold out buildings around the country.  He will never be forgotten.

Signature Moves:
- Tombstone Piledriver

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