British Bulldog

Birthdate: November 27th, 1962
Death: May 8th, 2002
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Famous Matches and Storylines:  The British Bulldog's first major run was with the Dynamite Kid, and the two held the WWF Tag Team titles for over a year.  After Dynamite Kid left, The British Bulldog went on to win the Intercontinental title, and feuded with his brother-in-law Owen for a series of great matches.
Major Titles Held:  Stampede International Tag Team Title, WWF Tag Team Title, WWF Intercontinental Title, WWF European Championship, and the WWE Hardcore Championship
Other Notes:  The British Bulldog married into the famous Hart family, and was hit hard by the death of Owen Hart.  While in WCW, The British Bulldog's back was severely injured when he was slammed onto the steel trapdoor that Warrior used to enter the ring.  Steroids and other drugs were found in his body at the time of his death, and doctors think that helped lead to the heart attack.

Signature Moves:
- Running Powerslam
- Military Press Slam

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