
Birthdate: August 10th, 1976
Debut: December 11th, 1993
Major Puroresu Titles Held:  None

- As Biomonster DNA

Signature Moves:
- Doctor Bomb
- Sand Storm II

Azusa Kudo debuted in FMW in 1993 and used several different ring names during his career. Gosaku Gohasawara was the first one he used after his debut match, but he later adopted the simpler ring name of GOSAKU. A death match specialist, GOSAKU was never able to reach a high status in FMW, and the gimmick change to Biomonster DNA wasn’t sufficient to catch the interest of FMW fans. In 2002, following FMW's bankruptcy, GOSAKU moved to WMF. In 2007, he lost a “loser leaves WMF match barbwire” to Kamui, and disappeared from the Japanese wrestling scene.

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