Tomoaki Honma

Birthdate:  November 18th, 1976
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Debut:  May 18th, 1997
Background:  Big Japan Pro Wrestling
Promotion History: Big Japan (1997 to 2000), All Japan (2001 to 2006), and New Japan (2007 to present)
Alliances:  Great Bash Heel
Ring Attire:  Tights, usually blue
Card Position:  Mid-Card
Major Tournaments Won: None
Current Title Held:  None

Championship History:

WEW Tag Team Championship with Jun Kasai:
- Defeated Takashi Sasaki and BADBOY Hido on 9/24/06 and Vacated on 2/20/07

Big Japan Deathmatch Heavyweight Championship (Held 2 Times):
- Defeated Ryuji Yamakawa on 1/2/00 and lost to Zandig on 7/2/00
- Defeated Zandig on 11/3/00 and Vacated in March of 2001

Big Japan World Tag Team Championship with Shadow WX:
- Defeated Jason the Terrible and Shadow Winger on 12/5/98 and lost to Mike Samples and Ryuji Yamakawa on 7/31/99

Big Japan World Tag Team Championship with Ryuji Yamakawa:
- Defeated Kamikaze and Shunme Matsuzaki on 1/7/00 and lost to Nick Gage and John Zandig on 6/2/02

- A double team move with Miyamoto
- Honma hits a body press

Featured Signature Moves:
- Crazy Elbow
- Honma Clutch
- Roppongi Crash
- Sharima-tea

Signature Moves:
- Brainbuster
- Diving Body Press
- Diving Headbutt
- Lariat
- Powerbomb
- Shining Wizard
- Spiral Bomb

2005 Recap:
Even though Honma is a popular and gifted wrestler, he is still not able to break the mid-card ceiling in All Japan.  Honma is usually found in the mid-card in tag matches, or the upper mid-card as the wrestler that gets pinned.  A common problem in All Japan, Honma would pick up occasionally big pins only to be put back in the same position.  He did not take part of the Champions Carnival or the Real World Tag League in 2005, and looks to prove he is more then just a death match wrestler in 2006.

2006 Recap:
Honma finally got tired of waiting for All Japan to bring him up the card and after recovering from an injury he announced his departure from the company on April 28th. After leaving All Japan, Honma bounced around to a few different promotions, including Zero-One MAX and King's Road. In King's Road, Honma reformed Turmeric Storm with Kazushi Miyamoto, and together they defeated Hirotaka Yokoi and Rikiya Fudo on May 28th. In the 2006 Fire Festival, Honma was swept as he lost to Masato Tanaka, Yutaka Yoshie, Kazunari Murakami, and Shinjiro Otani. On September 24th in Apache Pro, Honma teamed with Jun Kasai to defeat Takashi Sasaki and BADBOY Hido to win the WEW Tag Team Championship (which he later vacated). In Apache Pro's December Death Match Tournament, Honma lost in the first round to The Winger.

2008 Recap:
Honma wrestled in New Japan Pro Wrestling for all of 2008 but was at the bottom of the pecking order in Great Bash Heel. He did take part in the New Japan Cup, but lost to Giant Bernard in the first round. In most matches that GBH lost it was Honma that got pinned, although Honma did pick up a few pinfalls against the rookies. He did not take part in the G1 Climax or the G1 Tag League, and he generally stayed in the lower mid-card as more wrestlers were accepted into GBH and he moved farther down on the totem pole.

2009 Recap:
2009 was a bigger year for Honma, as when GBH disintegrated he stayed and became the permanent tag team partner of Togi Makabe. The split happened in the spring, as after Makabe and Yano failed to win the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship, Yano turned on Makabe and joined a new faction called CHAOS. Honma feuded with CHAOS for the rest of the year, including many singles matches. In the New Japan Cup, Honma lost to Takashi Iizuka in the first round. On July 5th, he picked up a big win as he defeated Toru Yano with a diving headbutt. In the G1 Tag League, Honma teamed with Makabe and the pair received 4 points but missed the Semi Finals.

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