Hideki Hosaka

Birthdate: August 5th, 1971
Debut: August 7th, 1991
Retirement: February 17th, 2008
Ring Attire: Black pants and a black shirt
Major Titles Held:  None

Signature Moves:
- Chokeslam

After graduating from high school, Hosaka started training in SAW (Submission Arts Wrestling) and debuted in 1991 in W*ING. After W*ING went out of business, Hosaka moved to the short lived Pro Wrestling Crusaders. Starting in 1995, Hosaka became an active member of FMW. Hosaka later briefly joined AJPW, but soon moved to ZERO-1, where he suffered a knee fracture and was fired shortly thereafter. After a long absence, Hosaka returned to pro wrestling in WMF in 2006, only to retire two years later.

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