Magnum TOKYO

Birthdate:  January 9th, 1973
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Debut:  May 11th, 1997
Background:  Japan Graduate
Promotion History: Toryumon (1997 to 2004), Dragon Gate (2004 to 2006), and Hustle (2008 to 2009)
Alliances:  None
Ring Attire:  Trunks, usually black and pink
Card Position:  Upper Mid-Card
Major Tournaments Won: El Numero Uno League (2002) and the Young Dragons Cup (1997)
Current Title Held:  None

Championship History:

UWA World Trios Championship with Dragon Kid and Ryo Saito:
- Defeated Crazy Max on 8/14/01 and lost to Darkness Dragon, Mochizuki, and Susumu Mochizuki on 10/28/01

Ultimo Dragon Gym Championship:
- Defeated CIMA on 6/29/03 and lost to SUWA on 2/8/04

- Old School Magnum TOKYO

Featured Signature Moves:
- AV Star Press
- Egoist Driver
- Erect Smash

Signature Moves:
- 44 DDT
- Gyrating Frankensteiner
- STF with Pheromone
- Zetsuen

One of the first Ultimo Dragon trainees, Magnum Tokyo debuted in Mexico in 1997 and would become the most representative Toryumon wrestler, along with CIMA. The Magnum Tokyo character was a male stripper who used to enter the ring accompanied by several female dancers; he became the prototype of several others successful Toryumon characters who would later use a pre-match dance. Magnum Tokyo was forced to announce his retirement from pro-wrestling in 2007, due to eyesight problems, but in 2008 he returned and joined Hustle.

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