A Review by Kevin Wilson
Date: September 22nd, 2013
Location: Ishikawa Prefectural Industrial Exhibition Hall #3
Announced Attendance: 1,508 (No Vacancy)
I am going to hang with WRESTLE-1 as long as I can. The debut show was a bit weird, but it was also the first show, so obviously the promotion hasn't gotten into a grove yet. They still are not announcing match cards before the event though, so for now they continue to be different in that respect. This was a much smaller show so it was less of a "spectacle" than the debut show was, but it has many of the same wrestlers since it was the same tour (minus Bob Sapp of course). Here is the full card:
- René Duprée vs. TAJIRI
- Otoko Sakari vs. Ryota Hama vs. Zodiac
- NOSAWA Rongai and MAZADA vs. Seiki Yoshioka and Daiki Inaba
- Makoto vs. Shuri
- Hiroshi Yamato vs. Manabu Nakanishi
- Kaz Hayashi and Shuji Kondo vs. Koji Kanemoto and Minoru Tanaka
- KAI vs. Seiya Sanada
- Keiji Mutoh, Masakatsu Funaki, and Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Masayuki Kono, Ryouji Sai, and KAZMA SAKAMOTO
Interesting that on one tour, Duprée went from main eventing back to the opener where he belongs. The only really notable feud that has developed is Funaki and his crew against his new enemy Kono and his crew. And of course the eternal KAI vs. Sanada feud. Like I mentioned this was still on the first tour so they were still working some things out. Anyway let's get started.
René Duprée vs. TAJIRI
They circle each other to start, tie-up, Duprée pushes TAJIRI into the ropes, TAJIRI reverses positions with him and gets Duprée into the corner but Duprée reverses it back before giving a clean break. Duprée gets TAJIRI to the mat, TAJIRI reverses position and gets Duprée's back but Duprée pushes him off and both men return to their feet. They go into a Test of Strength, but TAJIRI twists Duprée to the mat and pins Duprée's arm against the mat. Duprée reverses it into a headscissors but TAJIRI does a handstand to get out of it. Side headlock by TAJIRI on the mat, but Duprée reverses it into a hammerlock. TAJIRI gets into the ropes to force a break and then twists Duprée's arm into the ropes before breaking. They trade pushes, side headlock by Duprée but TAJIRI Irish whips out of it. Shoulderblock by Duprée, cover, but it gets a two count. Side headlock takedown by Duprée, TAJIRI struggles to his feet and Irish whips out of it, but Duprée shoulderblocks him down. Duprée goes off thee ropes but TAJIRI hits a trio of hiptosses. Duprée bails out of the ring to re-group but returns after a moment, Duprée asks TAJIRI for a handshake but dropkicks him instead. Duprée picks up TAJIRI, Irish whip so the corner and he hits one of the ugliest cartwheel elbow strikes I've ever seen. Announcer laughs. Chop by Duprée, snapmare, and he dropkicks TAJIRI in the head. Cover, but it gets a two count. Stretch hold by Duprée into a reverse chinlock. TAJIRI elbows out of it, he goes off the ropes but Duprée catches him with a back elbow strike. Cover, but it gets a two count. Bodyscissors by Duprée, TAJIRI elbows out of it, but Duprée delivers a scoop slam. Duprée goes up to the top turnbuckle but TAJIRI has recovered and he throws Duprée off the top turnbuckle. Kicks to the arm by TAJIRI, Irish whip, reversed, but TAJIRI hits the handstand rebound elbow strike. High kick by TAJIRI, cover, but it gets a two count. Back up, kick by TAJIRI but Duprée knees him in the stomach and delivers a brainbuster. Cover, but TAJIRI gets a shoulder up. Duprée charges TAJIRI in the corner but TAJIRI catches him and applies the Tarantula. Duprée lands back in the middle of the ring, and TAJIRI nails him with the Middle Kick to the head. Cover, and he picks up the three count. Your winner: TAJIRI
Match Thoughts: What... the hell was Duprée thinking going for a Space Rolling Elbow? First of all, he can't do a cartwheel. Second of all playing as the gaijin heel that had just ten seconds earlier tricked TAJIRI with a fake handshake, he shouldn't have been doing cool spots. Even without that though it wasn't a really good match, the mat work felt forced and unnatural and it took too long for the sub-ten minute match to get rolling. Also Duprée never seemed to really have a chance of winning as he only hit one move that got a realistic two count in the whole match. Honestly I think that Duprée is just a stiff that is never going to have a good match in his life he isn't carried in and I'd prefer not to watch him, a 42 year old TAJIRI doesn't have it in him anymore to drag a good match out of a bad wrestler. Score: 3.0
Otoko Sakari vs. Ryota Hama vs. Zodiac
This is a Three Way Match, first pinfall wins. Hama pushes Sakari as the match starts, then both men attack him and Sakari rolls out of the ring. Hama and Zodiac go out after Sakari, Zodiac drags Sakari up the entry way and they apply a double wristlock to Sakari. This forces Sakari's ass into fans faces since he is only wearing a mawashi. They turn Sakari around and return the trick to the announcers, as one announcer shoves the face of the other announcer into Sakari's ass. Hama and Zodiac return to the ring, tie-up, side headlock by Zodiac but Hama pushes him into the ropes. Irish whip by Hama and Zodiac runs into him, but doesn't go down. Zodiac goes off the ropes and tries it again, Hama stays up, but a big boot sends Hama to the mat. Sakari scrambles in the ring to cover Hama but Zodiac pushes him off. Zodiac chops Sakari in the chest, Zodiac blocks Sakari's attempt and hits a lariat for a two count. Zodiac knocks Sakari into the corner, Hama goes for the running butt smash but Zodiac cuts him off with a lariat. Irish whip by Zodiac to Sakari to the corner, handstand by Sakari and he gets Zodiac around the neck with his ankles. Hama then comes over and pushes Zodiac's face into Sakari's ass. Sakari hits a running elbow strike on Zodiac in the corner, and Hama follows with a running splash. With Zodiac in a seated position in the corner, Hama nails the running butt smash. Zodiac falls out of the ring, while Sakari hits Hama with a hip attack. Irish whip by Sakari, reversed, Sakari goes for a sunset flip but Hama sits on him. Sakari can't kick out and Hama picks up the three count. Your winner: Ryota Hama
Match Thoughts: Oh man. I am not even sure what to say about this match. I am used to Otsuka being an embarrassment at this point but this was even further than usual. I am sure he is doing what he wants to do with his career but it still blows my mind. Anyway this match was just ass-based humor while making Sakari look like a putz, I guess I should score comedy matches based on the level of comedy and not as a real match but it still never really felt like a match. I'm not really sure what to say about this match, except to say it wasn't my cup of tea. But it was different, that's for sure. Score: 2.5
NOSAWA Rongai and MAZADA vs. Seiki Yoshioka and Daiki Inaba
NOSAWA and Inaba start things off.
They circle each other, tie-up, waistlock by NOSAWA, Inaba reverses it into a wristlock, but NOSAWA reverses it back. Inaba flips through it but NOSAWA applies a side headlock, NOSAWA goes off the ropes and shoulderblocks Inaba to the mat. NOSAWA goes off the ropes but Inaba hits a hiptoss. Inaba runs to the ropes and after a slight hesitation he hits a springboard elbow strike followed by a dropkick. NOSAWA falls out of the ring but Inaba goes over to the ropes and flies out onto him with a pescado. Inaba rolls NOSAWA back into the ring and both men tag out. Yoshioka and MAZADA circle each other, tie-up, elbows by MAZADA but Yoshioka returns with kicks, sending MAZADA to the mat. Yoshioka picks up MAZADA, Irish whip, reversed, and Yoshioka hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors followed by a dropkick. Yoshioka picks MAZADA, snapmare, and Yoshioka kicks MAZADA in the back. Running kick by Yoshioka, cover, but it gets a two count. Yoshioka tags in Inaba, clubs to the back by Inaba to MAZADA and he hits a scoop slam. Stomp to the back by Inaba, he picks up MAZADA and goes for another slam, but MAZADA blocks it. Scoop slam by MAZADA, he picks up Inaba and he hits a second one. A third scoop slam by MAZADA and he tags in NOSAWA. NOSAWA knocks Yoshioka off the apron, double Irish whip to Inaba and they deliver a kicking combination. Cover by NOSAWA to Inaba but it gets a two count. Wristlock by NOSAWA and he rolls up Inaba into a stretch hold. Crossface by NOSAWA, but he releases the hold after a moment. NOSAWA tags in MAZADA, snapmare by MAZADA and he applies a neck nerve hold. MAZADA picks up Inaba and goes for a suplex, but Inaba blocks it. MAZADA goes off the ropes but Inaba catches him with a dropkick. He tries to tag in Yoshioka, but MAZADA cuts him off. Irish whip by MAZADA, reversed, another dropkick by Inaba and this time he tags in Inaba. Missile dropkick by Inaba to MAZADA, NOSAWA runs in the ring but Yoshioka promptly kicks him back out of it. Kick by Yoshioka to MAZADA, Irish whip, kick to the chest and he kicks MAZADA in the back of the head. Cover, but it gets a two count. Irish whip attempt by Yoshioka but MAZADA reverses it and hits an atomic drop followed by a lariat. MAZADA tags in NOSAWA but Yoshioka hits a quick enzigieri and tags in Inaba. Inaba picks up NOSAWA, Irish whip to the corner and he hits a jumping forearm strike. Backdrop suplex by Inaba, cover, but it gets a two count. Inaba goes off the ropes but NOSAWA catches him with a flapjack. MAZADA comes in the ring and drops Inaba with a modified fisherman's buster, and NOSAWA follows with a Thrust Kick. Cover, and he picks up the three count! Your winners: NOSAWA Rongai and MAZADA
Match Thoughts: The string of bad matches is over as this was a perfectly acceptable tag team match. NOSAWA and MAZADA have tag teaming down to a science at this point, but they let Yoshioka and Inaba show quite a bit as well. Yoshioka was really on point with his offense, and aside from one mistake Inaba looked good as well. It is nice to see young wrestlers get a chance to show what they can do against two veterans of the game. Nothing that will blow anyone away as it was a bit by-the-numbers, but an entertaining match. Score: 6.0
Makoto vs. Shuri
Aww Makoto is cute as a button. They circle each other to start, tie-up, armbar by Shuri but Makoto reverses it. It is reversed again as they struggle for position, hammerlock by Shuri, but Makoto reverses it. Side headlock by Shuri into a takedown, but Makoto quickly gets out of it. Tie-up, side headlock by Shuri, Makoto elbows out of it, Irish whip by Makoto but Shuri shoulderblocks her down. Shuri goes off the ropes but Makoto gives her a hiptoss. Shoulderblocks by Makoto, cover, but Shuri easily gets a shoulder up. Stomps by Makoto and she throws Shuri into the corner. Irish whip by Makoto and she delivers a running big boot. Another Irish whip but this time Shuri moves out of the way and she hits a knee in the corner. Suplex by Shuri, cover, but it gets a two count. Shuri applies a sleeperhold. Makoto gets to the ropes, she fights back with punches to the stomach by Shuri kicks her back down. Kick to the back by Shuri, cover, but it gets a two count. Another cover by Shuri but again it gets two. Stomp to the back by Shuri, she picks up Makoto and throws her into the corner. Kicks to the stomach by Shuri and she chokes Makoto with her boot. Irish whip to the corner by Shuri, reversed, Makoto charges in but Shuri flips her out to the apron. Makoto punches Shuri back and hits a diving crossbody off the top for a two count. Makoto goes off the ropes and hits a double stomp, followed by a cartwheel moonsault. Cover, but it gets a two count. Back up they trade forearm strikes, kick by Shuri and she goes off the ropes but Makoto catches her with a knee. Shuri returns the favor, then hits a jumping knee to the face for a two count. Shuri waits for Makoto to get up and goes for a kick, but Makoto rolls her up for a two count. Another roll-up but Makoto but again it gets two. Shuri catches Makoto with a running knee as she gets up from the mat, cover, but it gets a two count. Shuri waits for Makoto to get up and goes for the high kick, Makoto ducks it, release German suplex by Shuri but Makoto rolls through it and fires back with a jumping kick. Makoto picks up Shuri and applies a double underhook, but Shuri pushes her off. Shuri goes for Makoto but Makoto ducks and hits the bridged double underhook suplex for a two count. Makoto charges Shuri but Shuri catches her with a kick and then nails a scissors kick to the back of the head. Cover, but Makoto gets a shoulder up. Shuri picks up Makoto and delivers a high kick, cover, but Makoto barely kicks out. Shuri picks up Makoto and delivers a German suplex hold, and this time she gets the three count. Your winner: Shuri
Match Thoughts: This was a fun match. I've seen Shuri before as KG in SMASH but this was the first time I have seen Makoto. Odd to think she debuted in 2006 and is only 24, gotta love Ice Ribbon. These two fight quite a bit in WNC so they are very familiar with each other and it showed. It was a very tight and well constructed match, and it flowed very well. Makoto no-selling the first German suplex was a bit odd but that is just being nit-picky as it didn't take away from the match. I think that given more time it would have been an even more memorable match, but Shuri's kicks were convincing (understandably since she is a legitimate kickboxer) and Makoto more than held her own. Really good match. Score: 7.5
Hiroshi Yamato vs. Manabu Nakanishi
They circle to start, Yamato goes for a single leg takedown by Nakanishi blocks it and pushes him back. Armbar by Nakanishi and he pushes Yamato to the mat. Back up, waistlock by Yamato but Nakanishi reverses it and tosses Yamato down. Nakanishi picks up Yamato and hits a belly to belly suplex. Yamato is back up and elbows Nakanishi a few times, but Nakanishi absorbs the blows and floors Yamato with just one elbow. Chops by Nakanishi against the ropes, Irish whip, but Yamato slides under the ropes and out of the ring. Nakanishi goes to the apron to go after Yamato, but Yamato quickly gets back in the ring and dropkicks Nakanishi off the apron to the floor. Baseball slide by Yamato and he goes for a pescado, but Nakanishi catches him and rams him back-first into the ring post before slamming him on the floor. Chops by Nakanishi outside the ring and he throws Yamato into the guard rail. More chops by Nakanishi, Yamato fights back but Nakanishi isn't effected and hits Yamato in the head. Nakanishi picks up Yamato and slides him back into the ring, he goes in as well but Yamato fights back with elbows. Nakanishi pushes Yamato into the corner, Irish whip by Nakanishi but Yamato kicks him as he charges in. Missile dropkick by Yamato and Nakanishi is finally knocked off his feet. Yamato is up first, he tries to Irish whip Nakanishi but Nakanishi slams on the breaks. Irish whip by Nakanishi to the corner but Yamato moves when he runs in and hits a running shoulder tackle. Jumping heel kick by Yamato, he goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick. Cover, but it gets a two count. Yamato goes for a slam but Nakanishi blocks it and chops Yamato to the mat. Nakanishi picks up Yamato and chops him into the corner. More chops by Nakanishi, Irish whip, and Nakanishi hits a lariat. Vertical suplex by Nakanishi but Yamato rolls out of the way of the knee drop. Dropkick to the knee by Yamato and he dropkicks Nakanishi in the back. Yamato goes off the ropes and hits an elbow, cradle by Yamato but it only gets two. Yamato finally slams Nakanishi to the mat, he goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving senton. Cover, but it only gets a two count. Yamato picks up Nakanishi and goes for another body slam but Nakanishi reverses it and hits a body slam of his own. Jumping knee drop by Nakanishi, he waits for Yamato to get up and nails the lariat. Cover, but it gets a two count. Nakanishi picks up Yamato and puts him in the Argentine Backbreaker, but Yamato slides out of it and delivers a jumping kick to the back of the head. Chops by Yamato, he goes off the ropes but Nakanishi drills him with the Polish Hammer. Nakanishi puts Yamato in the Argentine Backbreaker again, and this time Yamato can't get out of it and must submit! Your winner: Manabu Nakanishi
Match Thoughts: The result of this match was never in doubt as there was a 0% chance that New Japan would let Nakanishi lose. But even with that in mind it was a pretty decent match as Yamato did his hope spots well and they kept it from being a glorified squash which was my initial concern. I don't like though the "spot" in these types of matches where the little wrestler acts like its a big deal to get a body slam, especially when the diving strikes were working, but it is a tradition of wrestling that doesn't appear to be going anywhere. Nakanishi gave Yamato more than he probably had to though, and overall it was entertaining even though it was a bit short. Score: 6.5
Kaz Hayashi and Shuji Kondo vs. Koji Kanemoto and Minoru Tanaka
Hayashi and Tanaka start things off.
Tie-up, Hayashi pushes Tanaka into the ropes, they switch positions and Tanaka gives a clean break. They lock knuckles, Hayashi gets Tanaka to the mat but Tanaka stands back up. They jockey for position, Hayashi flips off the ropes and they both end the exchange with missed dropkicks. Hayashi tags in Kondo while Kanemoto is also tagged in. Kondo and Kanemoto circle each other, tie-up, Kondo pushes Kanemoto into the ropes, Kanemoto reverses positions and he slaps Kondo. Kondo returns with a slap of his own, elbows by Kanemoto, he picks up Kondo and they trade blows.
The next few minutes of the video I have for this event blacks out, so we are going to skip ahead to when the video returns. Kanemoto and Kondo are still in the ring, and Kanemoto delivers a running kick to Kondo who is slouched in the corner. Bootscrapes by Kanemoto and he hits two running bootscrapes as well. Kanemoto picks up Kondo and delivers a slap combination, he goes off the ropes but Kondo catches him with a big boot. Hurricanrana by Kanemoto but Kondo plants him with a lariat. Both wrestlers tag out, Tanaka kicks Hayashi, Irish whip by Tanaka but Hayashi kicks him as he charges in and hits an STO into the second turnbuckle. Running kick in the corner by Hayashi, Irish whip, and Hayashi hits a spinebuster. Quebrada by Hayashi, cover, but Tanaka kicks out. Hayashi goes for a Dragon Sleeper but Tanaka gets out of it and hits a dropkick. Kanemoto comes in the ring as well and they both kick Hayashi. Hayashi fights back and goes off the ropes but he is dropped by more kicks by Kanemoto and Tanaka. Kanemoto puts Hayashi onto the top turnbuckle, he then joins him and suplexes Hayashi to the mat. Tanaka then kicks Hayashi in the head, cover, but Hayashi barely gets a shoulder up. Tanaka picks up Hayashi, snapmare in front of the corner, and Tanaka nails the 450 Splash. Cover, but Hayashi kicks out before the three count. Kick by Tanaka and he goes off the ropes but Hayashi hits the handstand rebound kick. Hayashi picks up Tanaka, he goes off the ropes but Kondo comes in the ring and they crisscross Tanaka until Hayashi delivers a Thrust Kick. Cover, but it gets a two count. Hayashi picks up Tanaka and drops him with the Final Cut. Cover, but it also gets a two count. Hayashi drags Tanaka to his feet and goes for the W4, but Tanaka pushes him off. They trade roll-up attempts, high kick by Tanaka, Hayashi catches the next one but Tanaka sneaks in the HEAT Clutch and picks up the three count! Your winners: Koji Kanemoto and Minoru Tanaka
Match Thoughts: Nice to see the HEAT Clutch again, haven't seen it in awhile. I am not going to score it because I missed about four minutes in the middle, but what we saw was really good. I didn't like how fast Hayashi brushed off the 450 Splash and the offense that came right before that, but beyond that moment I thought they all looked very solid. Minoru has found the fountain of youth or something, he really looks as good today as he did ten years ago. Solid fast paced action and I imagine the parts I missed were more of the same. Score: N/A
KAI vs. Seiya Sanada
KAI charges Sanada to start the match and kicks him in the face. Elbows by KAI, Irish whip, but Sanada avoids KAI and dives out of the ring to re-group. He returns after a few minutes, tie-up, waistlock by KAI, snapmare, but Sanada reverses it into a hammerlock. Sanada applies a reverse chinlock, they get back to their feet and trade wristlocks. Side headlock takedown by Sanada, KAI gets out of it and they both miss standing dropkicks. Kick by Sanada, Irish whip by KAI and KAI delivers a dropkick. Sanada falls out of the ring, KAI goes to do a dive but Sanada bails up the ramp so KAI puts on the brakes. Sanada crawls under the ring, KAI goes out after him, they both go to get back in the ring but KAI kicks him off the apron and then flies out of the ring with a tope suicida. KAI picks up Sanada and throws him chest-first into the guard rail. KAI slides Sanada back into the ring but Sanada rolls back out. This happens again, so KAI throws Sanada into the railing and delivers a running big boot to the face. Sanada walks around the crowd to re-group and barely gets back in the ring before the 20 count. KAI greets him with a kick, snapmare by KAI and he applies a crossface. Cover by KAI but Sanada kicks out at two. KAI picks up Sanada and chops him into the corner. Elbows by KAI and he stomps Sanada into a seated position in the corner. Irish whip by KAI, reversed, kick by KAI and he hits the running boot in the corner. Cover by KAI but it gets a two count. KAI picks up Sanada and goes for a suplex but Sanada blocks it and hits a vertical suplex of his own. Sanada punches KAI into the corner, Irish whip, reversed, but Sanada flips out to the apron and hits a swandive dropkick. Sanada charges KAI but he kicks him back, KAI charges Sanada but Sanada snaps off a hurricanrana. This Is It by Sanada but KAI barely gets a foot onto the bottom rope. Back up, elbow by Sanada but KAI returns fire. They trade blows, kick by KAI but Sanada hits a roaring elbow. Sanada goes off the ropes but KAI does as well and delivers a rebound kick to the back of Sanada's head. Tombstone by KAI, cover, but Sanada kicks out. KAI picks up Sanada and drops him with the LAT, cover, and again it gets a two count. KAI goes up to the top turnbuckle, but Sanada knocks the referee into the ropes, making KAI crotch himself onto the top turnbuckle. Sanada then climbs up on the top turnbuckle and his a superplex into the ring. Back up they trade elbows, but KAI kicks Sanada in the back of the head. Backdrop suplex by Sanada but KAI returns the favor, thrust kick by KAI but Sanada fires back with a lariat. Tiger suplex by Sanada, cover, but it gets a two count. Sanada slams KAI in front of the corner, goes up to the top turnbuckle and nails the moonsault. Cover, and he picks up the three count. Your winner: Seiya Sanada
Match Thoughts: This match wasn't nearly as good as their match on the debut show. The first half was coming along fine, but the last minute or so really didn't sit well with me. "Delayed selling" I can deal with, but Sanada never sold the combination of moves that KAI hit, he just hit the moonsault and won the match. He basically shook off an enzigieri, backdrop suplex, and thrust kick like it was nothing, which is almost as bad as KAI not selling the superplex at all. It was a bizarre way to end the match, I mean they are mid-card wrestlers, not Misawa and Kobashi, it just seemed like they planned the match in two separate parts as the last minute didn't need the first 12 minutes at all to take place. I like these guys but a disappointing match. Score: 4.5
Keiji Mutoh, Masakatsu Funaki, and Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Masayuki Kono, Ryouji Sai, and KAZMA SAKAMOTO
They brawl to start the match both inside and outside of the ring, with SAKAMOTO and Nakanoue becoming the first legal men. Punches by SAKAMOTO, Irish whip, but Nakanoue knocks down SAKAMOTO and tags in Funaki. Kick to the midsection by Funaki, he picks up SAKAMOTO and hits a body slam. Cover, but it gets a two count. Funaki goes for the arm but Sai quickly breaks it up. Funaki picks up SAKAMOTO, snapmare in front of the corner and he tags in Mutoh. Mutoh picks up SAKAMOTO, snapmare, and he hits the Flashing Elbow. Mutoh snaps SAKAMOTO by the leg and he applies a STF. SAKAMOTO inches to the ropes and he grabs it to force the break. Mutoh tags in Nakanoue, Nakanoue picks up SAKAMOTO and hits a scoop slam followed by an elbow drop. Cover, but it gets two. Nakanoue tags in Funaki, kicks to the leg by Funaki and he applies a cross kneelock. That is quickly broken up by Kono and Sai, and Funaki tags in Mutoh. Irish whip by Mutoh to SAKAMOTO and he applies a sleeperhold with a bodyscissors. Cover by Mutoh but it only gets a two count. Mutoh tags in Nakanoue, Nakanoue picks up SAKAMOTO and hits him with an elbow. Nakanoue goes off the ropes but Kono knees him from the apron, giving SAKAMOTO time to hit a lariat. SAKAMOTO tags in Sai, and Sai stomps on Nakanoue. Sai goes for a vertical suplex but Nakanoue blocks it and hits own of his own. Nakanoue tags in Mutoh, and Mutoh dropkicks Sai in the knees. Kono and SAKAMOTO run in the ring but they get dragon screw leg whips, as does Sai. Mutoh applies the Figure Four to Sai but Kono breaks it up. Mutoh picks up Sai and throws him into the corner before hitting the Shining Wizard.
Dragon screw leg whip by Mutoh but Sai blocks the Shining Wizard attempt. Kicks to the chest by Sai, he picks up Mutoh and hits a vertical suplex. Sai tags in SAKAMOTO, Irish whip by SAKAMOTO but Mutoh rolls out of the way of the lariat and hits a dropkick. Mutoh tags in Funaki, back kick by Funaki to SAKAMOTO and he kicks him in the corner. Snapmare by Funaki and he kicks SAKAMOTO in the chest. Funaki picks up SAKAMOTO but SAKAMOTO slides down his back and kicks Funaki to the mat. SAKAMOTO tags in Kono, Kono throws Funaki into the corner and hits a high knee. Vertical suplex by Kono to Funaki, cover, but it gets a two count. Kono picks up Funaki and knees him in the stomach twice. Sleeperhold by Kono, but Funaki hits a backdrop suplex. Kicks to the chest by Funaki but Kono catches one and they trade slaps. Pele Kick by Funaki and he makes the hot tag to Nakanoue. Nakanoue punches Sai off the apron and then elbows Kono in the corner. Jumping lariat by Nakanoue to Kono, cover, but it gets a two count. Scoop slam by Nakanoue, he goes up to the top turnbuckle and connects with the diving elbow. Cover, but Sai and SAKAMOTO break it up. Funaki and Mutoh come in to clear the ring, Nakanoue throws Kono into the corner and all three deliver running strikes to Kono. Shining Wizard by Mutoh, Nakanoue picks up Kono and slams him to the mat. Nakanoue goes up to the top turnbuckle but Sai comes in with a chair and hits Nakanoue with it. SAKAMOTO throws Nakanoue in the corner and hits a running splash, gutbuster by Sai, and Kono comes off the top turnbuckle with a diving knee. Cover, and Kono picks up the three count. Your winners: Masayuki Kono, Ryouji Sai, and KAZMA SAKAMOTO
Match Thoughts: I know that DQ rules are a bit lax in Japan, but I really think knocking someone off the top rope with a chair shouldn't be allowed. Anyway not a bad match but like the first show I don't think it was really main event worthy. The good guys dominated the match up until the ending, as the "control" segments by the heels didn't last very long at all until a new face was tagged in and they got their asses kicked. And even though Kono got the pin it didn't really do anything to elevate him as he had to blatantly cheat and he pinned someone much lower than him on the food chain. The first 95% was good in terms of being fan service, but the ending seemed off for a main event match. Score: 5.5
Final Thoughts:
Best Match:Makoto vs. Shuri - I'm not trying to be mean, but a seven minute mid-card women's match should not be the best match on the card, not in theory or in practice. But it was legitimately a good match.
MVP: MAZADA and NOSAWA - The reason I consider them the MVP is three-fold. First of all, they controlled the match that got the card out of the gutter. Second, they got two really young wrestlers to have a really solid match. And third, who the hell else would I pick?
Overall: Really not good. There were some interesting pairings, but KAI/Sanada was much better on the debut show, the main event was average at best, and the rest ranged from slightly above average to absolutely terrible (except for the Joshi match). If this was a house show it would be different, but Mutoh knew that this would be only their second televised card and I would hope for more of an effort for the event. The main event should have been on the upper mid-card, and the main event should have been... I don't know but something better. There is really no reason to watch this.
Grade: D
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review completed on 11/26/13